Ephara, God of the Polis - Flash & Taxes

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

Rumpy5897 wrote:
4 years ago
Thing is, shrinking the board is half the battle. What do you do then? I guess you have your combos, but it's something to keep in mind. Cavalier speaks more to me of these options. Avacyn is a lovely beefslab, but I'm honestly not sure whether you actually need her.
What I have noticed in my other games with Avacyn (golos mono w) the "combo" of sweeper + avacyn is pretty much game ending most of the time.

harmonious archon feels like it might be pretty good at stopping a lot of fringe strategies (lord of extinction sac loop type stuff, slowing down warstorm surge kills, etc. ) and might act as a second windborn muse so if I can find a foil version of it cheap I might try it. Being able to blink it for a massive army seems nice.

I will say I almost always have more creatures than 2/3 of the other players, and if you add 3 from archon it should usually be more than everyone. And most of my creatures have really anemic bodies. Probably no more than half a dozen that are more than 3 power.

Turning hushbringer into a 3/3 for example is a pretty good upgrade.

My thinking is that the archon being a big flying blocker on its own that automatically makes everything lose to it in combat is pretty darned good too. Really discourages people from attacking.


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Post by shermanido37 » 4 years ago

So I've been thinking about other cards for Ephara, and I remembered that pokken dislikes Containment Priest because of all the blink and recursion nonbos. I came across Mistcaller, and I think it could be really good. It only disables shenanigans for a limited window, and since the effect is until end of turn it can be Brought Back into play. You can even Sun Titan it back into play at a later turn.
Other creatures that should be strongly considered with Brought Back: Selfless Spirit, Kami of False Hope.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

shermanido37 wrote:
4 years ago
So I've been thinking about other cards for Ephara, and I remembered that pokken dislikes Containment Priest because of all the blink and recursion nonbos. I came across Mistcaller, and I think it could be really good. It only disables shenanigans for a limited window, and since the effect is until end of turn it can be Brought Back into play. You can even Sun Titan it back into play at a later turn.
Other creatures that should be strongly considered with Brought Back: Selfless Spirit, Kami of False Hope.
You might be misremembering or I over stated it, i love containment priest and cut it under duress to find a slot hehe. 2 cmc flash dudes are almost good enough without good effects. It does shut off our combo but the combo has a sac outlet so not a big deal. Mostly I don't find that many people cheating stuff in these days mostly just big mana. Machinegunning dudes w displacer priest was fun and very strong.

I really dislike spore frog loops been there done that but selfless spirit is great. I played it a lot in modern and I am pretty sure I ran it in ephara for a while. People cutting down on destroy sweepers in my meta is why I don't run it. I would definitely jam kami in a 1drop list w proc of rebirth and vesperlark and such tho. That'd be another neat build.

Mistcaller not having flash makes it a meh to me. It is great if running ranger or ranger captain tho, as an option. Siren stormtamer also great.

Honestly there are just almost too many cmc 4 or less options. I think the bomb slots are the most challenging. We only have room for maybe 3 or 4 and it's hard to tell what is good since they're expensive and not tutorable so you don't see then as much.

I suspect if you just threw in a grab bag of 25 of the dudes any of us have played then 4 bombs you'd end up with a pretty strong deck. Ephara is just so cool that way.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

Got in a good game against sidisi, brood tyrant, saffi eriksdotter and marath, will of the wild.

This game was really tight, Sidisi knew I was the real threat and beat me down pretty hard. Fortunately a completely unchecked Faerie Artisans ran roughshod over the whole game and Sidisi spend too much life tutoring and died to marath's impact tremors while I stayed afloat due to Saffi's pelakka wurm coming in repeatedly and gaining me a ton of life.

The game basically was over once I stuck Displacer +Artisans and remembered how to properly play it. At one point my board was permanent token copies of (3 wurms)
I then stole Marath's soul warden and proceeded to ping myself for 2 with ancient tomb and draw 2 cards with mentor, mill myself aggressively, etc.

I also got to basically sit with an altar of dementia this entire game which combined with my Emeria getting online ran roughshod over the game.

I finished the game out with the combo but I could have easily finished this one off with combat as well because with Displacer I could make multiple wurms per turn cycle.

Honestly I felt like I brought a gun to a knife fight this game outside of Sidisi who got really unlucky getting pinged out when he did.

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Post by WizardMN » 4 years ago

pokken wrote:
4 years ago
The game basically was over once I stuck Displacer +Artisans and remembered how to properly play it. At one point my board was permanent token copies of (3 wurms)
pelakka wurm
darien, king of kjeldor
saffi eriksdotter
mentor of the meek
I then stole Marath's soul warden and proceeded to ping myself for 2 with ancient tomb and draw 2 cards with mentor, mill myself aggressively, etc.

I also got to basically sit with an altar of dementia this entire game which combined with my Emeria getting online ran roughshod over the game.

I finished the game out with the combo but I could have easily finished this one off with combat as well because with Displacer I could make multiple wurms per turn cycle.
This is one of those interactions that is somewhat easy to overlook but it is certainly powerful when you pull it off. In this case, a lot of pieces came together because of your opponents but being able to permanently keep a bunch of Wurms if you wanted seems kind of fun since you are basically using someone else's creatures against them.

I like the interaction of Darien, Soul Warden, and Mentor and it seems that alone just gave you too much value for your opponents to overcome. Luckily your opponents couldn't get to their removal or you were able to stop it. It seems like an interesting game either way :)

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

Those long bomb slinging games used to be ones I kinda dreaded, but the recent changes have really left me better prepared to deal with craterhoofy type decks. The extra sweepers, windborn muse, plus soulherder and artisans make dealing with the decks whose strategy is to go big vs. Interact quite a bit easier.

I tell ya marath and saffi type decks used to be my bane but I now tend to win those games more.

I have been seeing people attempt to remove ephara a bit more which shows some awareness of her subtle power. Sidisi player even single target rifted her when I first dropped artisans (knowing I was gonna draw 3 and probably accrue some extra value).

I think the deck is at the power level now I need to watch who I play it with a little so it doesn't turn into punching down.

One card I wanted to call out is dig through time. I cast it twice that game and the first time found me artisans. Card has been legitimately very impressive so far. It's nice to have a big cheap draw spell that doesn't rely on recursion as much.

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Post by shermanido37 » 4 years ago

Finished a game with the Online version. Opponents are: Brudiclad, Atraxa, and Neheb, the Eternal.

I start with T1 Ring + Mox Diamond into T2 Ephara, but on their turns Neheb casts Defense Grid, and to rub it in Atraxa casts Teferi, Time Raveler. This vexes me greatly, but I go on seeing as there's no board threat yet, casting Tribute Mage and Ephemerating it, tutoring Scroll Rack and a mana rock, forgetting that Teferi's ability blanks the Rebound. While Brudiclad continues to ramp, Neheb does nothing and Atraxa lays down more PWs, I nat draw into beautiful, beautiful Soulherder. With that my plan for the coming turns is set: Play Herder and artifacts, Rack away the useless cards, then tutor for more mana rocks and shuffle away the junk. This works quite well for several turns.
Eventually Brudiclad casts his commander then a Tempt with Vengeance for X=5. Both Neheb and I take the offer (I draw from Ephara the next turn), and Brudiclad proceeds to kill Teferi to my joy. Atraxa, who has Doubling Season, starts to pop off, casting then ulting Tamiyo, the Moon Sage then Jace, Architect of Thought. They manage to resolve a free All is Dust, with a free Omniscience on the stack, before randomly disconnecting and saving the rest from defeat.
My turn is next, so I replay Ephara which was killed off by the AiD, but I'm immediately and harshly punished when Brudiclad bounces Ephara along with all my artifacts to my hand with Rift, then casts Timetwister. After that I managed to resolve a spell or two, and delay my opponents' comboing off for a round or two, but that really sealed the deal.

  • Scroll Rack made me a very happy guy, as well as Tribute Mage for tutoring for it. Even without blinking the Mage I had plenty of fetchlands in my hand to benefit from along with Rack, so it was a very solid card in a very rough spot.
  • I encountered both Lotus Field and Chancery with all the draws that happened. However I was low on lands, having missed a land drop or two early on, and that made them seem very bad. I did draw into Cloud of Faeries later, though, so I might've missed an opportunity, though I had nothing to funnel the mana into (perhaps recasting Ephara).
  • My past experience with Charming Prince indicated it wasn't good enough. Sure, it's a great card, but if you don't have Gilded Drake in play for obnoxious shenanigans it just doesn't pull its weight. The scry is mediocre, though it does let you decide what to draw on the Ephara trigger, and the lifegain is just insignificant. Overall only recommend if you're running Drake, and even then it's mediocre and unreliable.
  • Effects that disable instant speed play REALLY bone us, which makes sense given that it's pretty much our entire deck strategy. However, even then there are plenty of ways to catch up - I kept wishing to draw Sacred Mesa.
  • During this game I was very upset that there were only two noncreature wipes in our list. It does help that one of them is highly tutorable, and a game breaking salt fest of a card, but I wanted something like Austere Command so I could kill certain stuff without killing other stuff. It would've been great to kill off the Doubling Season before shenanigans started.
  • I got to a life total of 1 near the end of the game, so I really got what pokken meant by wanting lifegain. However, I really don't think that Mastery of the Unseen is the way to go. I'm thinking along the lines of soul sisters, or Authority of the Consuls, or Daxos, Blessed by the Sun.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

shermanido37 wrote:
4 years ago
Finished a game with the Online version. Opponents are: Brudiclad, Atraxa, and Neheb, the Eternal.

I start with T1 Ring + Mox Diamond into T2 Ephara, but on their turns Neheb casts Defense Grid, and to rub it in Atraxa casts Teferi, Time Raveler. This vexes me greatly, but I go on seeing as there's no board threat yet, casting Tribute Mage and Ephemerating it, tutoring Scroll Rack and a mana rock, forgetting that Teferi's ability blanks the Rebound. While Brudiclad continues to ramp, Neheb does nothing and Atraxa lays down more PWs, I nat draw into beautiful, beautiful Soulherder. With that my plan for the coming turns is set: Play Herder and artifacts, Rack away the useless cards, then tutor for more mana rocks and shuffle away the junk. This works quite well for several turns.
Eventually Brudiclad casts his commander then a Tempt with Vengeance for X=5. Both Neheb and I take the offer (I draw from Ephara the next turn), and Brudiclad proceeds to kill Teferi to my joy. Atraxa, who has Doubling Season, starts to pop off, casting then ulting Tamiyo, the Moon Sage then Jace, Architect of Thought. They manage to resolve a free All is Dust, with a free Omniscience on the stack, before randomly disconnecting and saving the rest from defeat.
My turn is next, so I replay Ephara which was killed off by the AiD, but I'm immediately and harshly punished when Brudiclad bounces Ephara along with all my artifacts to my hand with Rift, then casts Timetwister. After that I managed to resolve a spell or two, and delay my opponents' comboing off for a round or two, but that really sealed the deal.

  • Scroll Rack made me a very happy guy, as well as Tribute Mage for tutoring for it. Even without blinking the Mage I had plenty of fetchlands in my hand to benefit from along with Rack, so it was a very solid card in a very rough spot.
  • I encountered both Lotus Field and Chancery with all the draws that happened. However I was low on lands, having missed a land drop or two early on, and that made them seem very bad. I did draw into Cloud of Faeries later, though, so I might've missed an opportunity, though I had nothing to funnel the mana into (perhaps recasting Ephara).
  • My past experience with Charming Prince indicated it wasn't good enough. Sure, it's a great card, but if you don't have Gilded Drake in play for obnoxious shenanigans it just doesn't pull its weight. The scry is mediocre, though it does let you decide what to draw on the Ephara trigger, and the lifegain is just insignificant. Overall only recommend if you're running Drake, and even then it's mediocre and unreliable.
  • Effects that disable instant speed play REALLY bone us, which makes sense given that it's pretty much our entire deck strategy. However, even then there are plenty of ways to catch up - I kept wishing to draw Sacred Mesa.
  • During this game I was very upset that there were only two noncreature wipes in our list. It does help that one of them is highly tutorable, and a game breaking salt fest of a card, but I wanted something like Austere Command so I could kill certain stuff without killing other stuff. It would've been great to kill off the Doubling Season before shenanigans started.
  • I got to a life total of 1 near the end of the game, so I really got what pokken meant by wanting lifegain. However, I really don't think that Mastery of the Unseen is the way to go. I'm thinking along the lines of soul sisters, or Authority of the Consuls, or Daxos, Blessed by the Sun.
Thanks for the solid report. I'll say that Superfriends decks are always a problem for me, so I tend to aggressively target those people (and cards like doubling season are a reason I play leonin relic-warder as an extra effect to hate on that stuff. My build does have 3 wipes that hit artifacts/enchantments as well - cleansing nova, hour of revelation and cyclonic rift. I could see adding devastation tide if walkers are a common meta issue.

Teferi, time Raveler can be a bit of a problem but we do have lots of flash creatures which do not care about his ability since it's just instants it shuts off (which I only have like 13 of).

I am really hoping we get access to a hatebear that interacts with walkers a bit more in Theros.

Re: Lifegain
For me I just don't think I would ever want charming prince mostly because we have no way to find gilded drake reliably. If Drake was a 2/2 it would be a shoe-in, since being able to set up soulherder/prince/drake would be nice.

mastery of the unseen definitely is not quite right, but I have really enjoyed some of the dumb stuff you can do with it. It's just not very efficient. But I have gained a crapload of life with it. I have had numerous games where I missed sacred mesa for sure.

I imagine that at some point they will print an engine that is perfect for us. I've considered playing my own teferi, time raveler since it's so good with Titan and generally a very powerful effect at protecting our whitemane lion.

I'm considering trying Archangel of Thune again tbh, given how removal light most of the games I've seen have been. But more than likely I will just use that mastery slot to try out whatever the next cool card for us is -- same with Tidespout.

Another thing I am considering I haven't mentioned is the idea of just brute force goodstuffing it a bit -- I think rhystic study might be just better than mastery of the unseen. The card is just so horrendously powerful.

Edit: Another thing I was considering from the life total perspective -- it might be right to play an auriok champion or similar effect. The reason I was thinking about that is that leonin relic-warder + phyrexian metamorph would make infinite life with that as well which is pretty nice. Not a difficult combo to set up really either. And the soul sisters in general gain a ton of life, with champion being fairly resilient.
Last edited by pokken 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by WizardMN » 4 years ago

pokken wrote:
4 years ago
Teferi, time Raveler can be a bit of a problem but we do have lots of flash creatures which do not care about his ability since it's just instants it shuts off (which I only have like 13 of).
Teferi for sure affects us pretty bad since he affects any spell type; not just instants. We can't Flash in creatures with him on board.
For me I just don't think I would ever want charming prince mostly because we have no way to find gilded drake reliably. If Drake was a 2/2 it would be a shoe-in, since being able to set up soulherder/prince/drake would be nice.
While this might stretch the definition of "reliably" you do run Muddle the Mixture which can find both Prince and Drake. I have found Prince to be pretty good with Displacer.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

WizardMN wrote:
4 years ago
pokken wrote:
4 years ago
Teferi, time Raveler can be a bit of a problem but we do have lots of flash creatures which do not care about his ability since it's just instants it shuts off (which I only have like 13 of).
Teferi for sure affects us pretty bad since he affects any spell type; not just instants. We can't Flash in creatures with him on board.
For me I just don't think I would ever want charming prince mostly because we have no way to find gilded drake reliably. If Drake was a 2/2 it would be a shoe-in, since being able to set up soulherder/prince/drake would be nice.
While this might stretch the definition of "reliably" you do run Muddle the Mixture which can find both Prince and Drake. I have found Prince to be pretty good with Displacer.
Oh wow yeah raveler is all spells. His plus is just sorceries and I conflates the two somehow as non creature spells.

Ideally we should strive to keep him off the board. Worth fighting counter wars over I think. Man do I hate superfriends.

Muddle is a good point. I am not sure I would want to be displacing prince all that often, though it is a reasonable way to chain some life and cards. I think my main issue with him is how few of my dudes want to be slow blinked relative to yours. With more impactful etbs I think it's much more defensible.

It is very nice being able to use him to protect displacer tho. Displacer has been just ridiculously good. Blinking dudes for 3 is very strong.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

Is drogskol cavalry too much wishful thinking?

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Post by shermanido37 » 4 years ago

Oh definitely. Only viable for a spirit build, and slow and clunky either way.
My build only lacks Cleansing Nova, but I wouldn't want to blow up artifacts since I had so many rocks. That's why Austere Command was on my mind.
Another point in retrospect is that Scroll Rack is another card that drew me a bunch of lands, and Walking Atlas would have had a field day. It would also have let me keep more Mana into play post Rift, as well as would have been tutorable with the Mage, and would have been great with both Chancery and Lotus Field to top it off. I'm still very reluctant due to its horrible floor with no lands in hand, but I think I'd risk it for a game or two.

I think that Daxos can be a surprisingly adequate lifegain solution, since each creature that comes into play effectively gains us 2 life, especially with mass removal. I'll likely acquire a copy, since it fits so well with the enchantment package, as well as being tutorable and a scalable blocker, which I've found to be useful in some cases.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

shermanido37 wrote:
4 years ago
Oh definitely. Only viable for a spirit build, and slow and clunky either way.
My build only lacks Cleansing Nova, but I wouldn't want to blow up artifacts since I had so many rocks. That's why Austere Command was on my mind.
Another point in retrospect is that Scroll Rack is another card that drew me a bunch of lands, and Walking Atlas would have had a field day. It would also have let me keep more Mana into play post Rift, as well as would have been tutorable with the Mage, and would have been great with both Chancery and Lotus Field to top it off. I'm still very reluctant due to its horrible floor with no lands in hand, but I think I'd risk it for a game or two.

I think that Daxos can be a surprisingly adequate lifegain solution, since each creature that comes into play effectively gains us 2 life, especially with mass removal. I'll likely acquire a copy, since it fits so well with the enchantment package, as well as being tutorable and a scalable blocker, which I've found to be useful in some cases.
I think at this point I am just going to hold off making any changes until Theros comes out since the deck has been basically firing on all cylinder, even Mastery has been generally solid.

I do regularly find myself missing walking atlas. When it's good it's really, really good. Super high ceiling, it's very similar to exploration which this deck would love.

I think Daxos is likely much worse than auriok champion on the balance. He's a better blocker some of the times but not nearly as removal resilient. But I'm not sure I like either that well. I keep hoping we get another option.

The ideal card I think is an engine card (that generates repeatable Ephara triggers) and also has some incidental lifegain -- mastery of the unseen is not the best but it is similar to the sort of thing I am thinking.

Ajani, Strength of the Pride is a decent option, but really would be better with some other incidental lifegain sources (jitte, etc.).

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Post by shermanido37 » 4 years ago

Dawn of Hope comes to mind, but it seems too slow and too light on the lifegain itself. It seems better than Mastery in a creature light version, but in your deck Mastery is the better fit.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

shermanido37 wrote:
4 years ago
Dawn of Hope comes to mind, but it seems too slow and too light on the lifegain itself. It seems better than Mastery in a creature light version, but in your deck Mastery is the better fit.
Yeah I have thought on dawn a few times. If my creatures got taller, I could see it being good, but I do think it is spectacular in a tokens+anthems+lifegain ephara. I played a version of that with Oloro, Ageless Ascetic and Dawn was one of the best cards.

It is very close to what I'm picturing. I really do think it is inevitable that they print something that is just right -- some kind of lifegain+creature creator. I had thought wizards forgot about manifest (which is a mechanic I really, really like) until Primordial Mist in C18, so I hope to see some more of it in Theros.

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Post by shermanido37 » 4 years ago

Manifest is a mechanic closely tied with the magic of Ugin and with that of Tarkir. Theros has nothing to do with it.
Scroll of Fate has also been printed since. I have all 3 cards and consider them from time to time. I'm testing the Scroll, which I believe to be the best of them.
An important interaction I am not fond of, is that Containment Priest and the like exile manifested cards, since they enter the field as nontoken creatures. I believe it's workable though.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

shermanido37 wrote:
4 years ago
Manifest is a mechanic closely tied with the magic of Ugin and with that of Tarkir. Theros has nothing to do with it.
Scroll of Fate has also been printed since. I have all 3 cards and consider them from time to time. I'm testing the Scroll, which I believe to be the best of them.
An important interaction I am not fond of, is that Containment Priest and the like exile manifested cards, since they enter the field as nontoken creatures. I believe it's workable though.
Yeah I'm not sure why I thought Theros had some manifest. I think it was because the mastery of the unseen deck that was so closely tied with Theros cards (nykthos, courser).

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

I got a game in today against my buddy's Alela deck which is 80 cards in common with my Alela deck including the old Overburden I traded him (ugh that card), a 5c Golos deck and a GW Selvala ramp deck.

Selvala went nuts early but unfortunately in a way that drew me a mystical tutor, a recruiter of the guard, and a bunch of other things. I mystical tutor'd for hour of revelation early and telegraphed it, while I built my own boardstate off of recruiter → soulherder → lion. Unfortunately by the time I wanted to hour, the Alela player had overburden out so i didn't want to get set back more lands to save my soulherder so just leaned into the displacer+whitemane+brazen borrower in my hand.

The hero of this game was probably brazen borrower who got cast 3 times removing stax pieces, ramped me like 30 with sword of feast and famine hits, and generally did the lord's work.

I closed the game out with an intuition pile that someone mistakenly gave me Reveillark counting on their grafdigger's cage to protect them --

I untapped, tutored for altar of dementia, body double as a copy of whitemane lion to return brazen borrower, petty theft the cage, cast reviellark and sac it to begin the combo with the karmic guide in my yard.

Brazen borrower is really, really growing on me. Being a spell and not an ETB creature is really so nice to be able to beat torpor orb and even bouncing overburden with no punishment.

Notable thing in this game is the Golos, Tireless Pilgrim player jammed a rule of law which I used to great effect to prevent Alela from counterspelling my stuff during his turn.

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Post by WizardMN » 4 years ago

I finally got to use Brazen Borrower/Petty Theft in my game tonight and it did good work. I never bothered to cast the creature side of it since I didn't need to, but I can see where some lines with being able to cast Petty Theft more than once would be a huge boon.

It is growing on me as well and your situations are two good examples where being a noncreature spell is important.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 4 years ago

pokken wrote:
4 years ago
the Golos, Tireless Pilgrim player jammed a rule of law
Since when does Golos jam Rule of Law instead of being shut down by it?

Other than that, more lovely you-style reporting. The interactions you cook up are very cool, as usual, and I'd actually consider building my own take on Ephara quite indebted to yours if I didn't know that my group would just chase me away from the table.
EDH Primers (click me!)
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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

Rumpy5897 wrote:
4 years ago
pokken wrote:
4 years ago
the Golos, Tireless Pilgrim player jammed a rule of law
Since when does Golos jam Rule of Law instead of being shut down by it?

Other than that, more lovely you-style reporting. The interactions you cook up are very cool, as usual, and I'd actually consider building my own take on Ephara quite indebted to yours if I didn't know that my group would just chase me away from the table.
Yeah that was an interesting sidenote that I didn't go into but turns out he had a misunderstanding play vs. cast. He was pretty confused when I said "er, mind the rule of law when you activate golos."

It's a pretty common misconception I've found oddly enough. I wish wizards would stop with that play vs. cast distinction (sometimes not letting those abilities play lands for example).

I'd really like to have the time to take full detailed reports, because Ephara games often go so long it's really intricate and it'd expose a lot of my mistakes a bit more. Like this game I think I could have just held back on deploying anything and slammed hour of revelation -- but I thought I had time to get the train going.

The big mistake really was not getting karmic guide instead of whitemane lion when I had a sweeper, I was awkwardly trying to play around what happened (which was Alela recurring grafdigger's cage) but going Hour → guide in the same turn would have worked out well there (as soulherder blinks guide getting back recruiter, then if cage comes back who cares since I've already established an ability to answer cage at will).

Re: chased away from the table

What about it do you think would drive them to that? The slow/grindiness, or the combo stuff?

I have found most people don't like jamming multiple games in a row against Ephara mostly because of how grindy it makes games -- people get tired of eating a half-dozen sweepers followed by an endless stream of value shenanigans. The combo doesn't seem to bother people

Even for me it's a bit exhausting.

My friend who was playing the Alela deck said, as I was setting up the combo "Wow, that's a really complicated deck."

That turn was the one that was petty theft → borrower → intuition (for lark, archaeomancer, sun titan) end step, untap, body double, equip sword on borrower and transmute, attack to untap, transmute muddle for altar, altar, reveillark, gg.

The intuition line was a really tricky one where I had options for all three -- archaeomancer gets me hour of revelation to kill the cage, sun titan gets me leonin relic-warder off recruiter of the guard in the bin to kill the cage, and reveillark in the hand allows me to use body double to generate one of those effects.

In the end I could have gone simpler there just put relic-warder in the archaeomancer spot but it was the first thing I thought of :P Could also have been spellseeker for unexpectedly absent.

Those intuition lines are lit.

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Post by Rumpy5897 » 4 years ago

My playgroup is not super fond of heavy disruption/interaction. So a combination of sweepers and various hatebear pieces (I'd likely jam stuff like Aven Mindcensor that you backed away from) would leave them quite unhappy. EDH is best practiced democratically, and if I'm the outlier then I'll abide by what the rest of the group wants. Most of the time. They'd rather have no Rule of Law or Thoughtrender Lamia to deal with, for example :P
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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

This is frigging ridiculously perfect. Starts a chain of 4UU: draw 4 cards and make a 5/6 and 3 1/1s. My goodness.

Only failing is it can't be recruitered but I don't care. I'd almost play drift of phantasms it's so good.

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Post by shermanido37 » 4 years ago

The other thing I love with this guy is that he hits like a truck with Harmonious Archon. I guess we really have a big threat now...

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Post by MeowZeDung » 4 years ago

Grats on the sea monster! Do you think it will push you towards more token value? Maybe Phyrexian Altar or Ashnod's Altar?
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