[Deck] Humans

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Post by deaddrift » 5 years ago

This is the thread to discuss the Humans archetype in Modern.
Last edited by deaddrift 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago



Modern Humans is a powerful, versatile, aggro/tempo deck, ultimately rooted in the venerable White Weenie archetype.

Humans first exploded onto the Modern scene after the release of the cards Kitesail Freebooter and Unclaimed Territory in Ixalan. The addition of Territory gave the deck a crucial third "rainbow land" to support a five-color tribal manabase, while Freebooter allowed this aggro deck to play hand disruption. Current Humans decks have a strong gameplan against almost all opponents, presenting a fast clock together with enough tempo-based disruption to keep opponents on the back foot, thereby providing breathing room to close the door.

Since Human is the most common creature type in the game, and the deck also has the ability to run some select non-Human creatures, Humans is likely to continue to see relevant cards printed in many (if not most) new set releases. It seems probable that Humans will remain an important deck in the format for many years.

Why to Play Humans in Modern
  • You like to win by beating your opponents with creatures
  • You want to play a deck with 12 turn one plays, each of which are among the strongest in the format
  • You want to be proactive, demanding responses from opponents ("asking a lot of questions")
  • You want to be interactive, with "answers" for opposing gameplans
  • You like finding lines to secure victory while using a fair deck, but at reasonable mental effort (unlike say BGx or Lantern where victory is often hard-fought)
  • You like having game, when playing well, against virtually all decks currently at the top of the metagame
  • You yourself are in fact a human, and like to see your side win!
Why Not To Play Humans in Modern
  • You prefer to play combo or control decks
  • You don't own the cards, and want to avoid buying a deck that shares few cards with other Modern lists (though the most expensive cards do see wider play)
  • You consider Humans a "linear" deck and dislike such decks
  • You are not a human and/or you dislike humans, and want to see them beaten down!

Cards Found in the Deck

The Maindeck
As of this writing (Aug 2019), a survey of MTGGolfish.com reveals the following standard package of cards for the maindeck. Depending on the build, players have room for one to six flex slots:

The Sideboard
Sideboards vary widely, of course, but some cards see play in almost all current builds. There is some overlap with the maindeck here, allowing players to customize their decks for their expected metas.

Note: Because of its land package, most Humans players find that creature spells make up the large majority of their sideboards. Non-creature spells in the side are almost always limited to those that can be cast with colorless mana, i.e., artifact cards and Dismember. See the "Other Cards to Consider" section below for further options.
Humans Sideboard
Approximate Total Cost:

Sample Decklist
Humans by Daniel Scherer, Grand Prix Barcelona 2019, 4th Place
Approximate Total Cost:

Other Cards to Consider
Humans has access to a wide variety of other candidate cards... as long as those cards are creatures or artifacts, anyway! Most of the cards in this list fill sideboard roles; exceptions are noted in the descriptions. The following cards have seen play at times, and should be on any Humans player's radar:
  • Mayor of Avabruck: Originally a maindeck staple, this lord has mostly fallen out of favor. Mayor is a great example of how the Humans card pool is an embarrassment of riches that leads to some tough deck-pruning decisions.
  • Giver of Runes: this is a rare maindeck choice for some players, but has yet to see any wide adoption.
  • Kessig Malcontents: Ramps up the aggro plan--can be played either main or side. Provides an out to Ensnaring Bridge.
  • Thalia, Heretic Cathar: Big Thalia reinforces the disruption game and is good against diverse strategies, but can be a little slow. Rarely played maindeck.
  • Tajic, Legions' Edge: Good against red sweepers and adds to the clock. No tax effect means it's the first to die to Bolt.
  • Xathrid Necromancer: This card can provide amazing crackbacks when Vialed in on an opponent's combat step, and provides sweeper insurance. Still very few lists hav eplayed this card in recent months.
  • Knight of Autumn: This jack-of-all trades non-Human is relatively easy to cast and comes in from the side against many opponents. It may prove necessary if Stoneforge Mystic becomes a common pairing,
  • Whirler Rogue: Three bodies for one spell, and pushes through attackers; good in the mirror or against decks with lots of one-for-one removal. 4 CMC can be a stretch.
  • Restoration Angel: Blanks removal, flickers ETB creatures, and flies over clogged up ground states, but is expensive (CMC=4) and nonbos with Champion of the Parish. Usually found in a maindeck flex slot, when played at all.
  • Knight of Autumn: Mostly fallen out of favor for cards like Deputy of Detention, Auriok Champion, and Collector Ouphe.
  • Izzet Staticaster: Repeatable small creature removal--good in the mirror and against other tribal or tokens decks. Most players currently favor Plague Engineer in this slot; however, Staticaster is a Human.
  • Anafenza the Foremost: Decent against some graveyard strategies, but often too slow. Survives Lightning Bolt.
  • Tormod's Crypt: Cheap grave hate, but one-shot effects can be quite weak in practice.
  • Selfless Spirit: Great against sweepers like Supreme Verdict and Anger of the Gods. Makes combat math tricky for opponents, so it's good in the mirror.
  • Chalice of the Void: Relevant against lots of current decks, and not as symmetrical as one might think, due to Cavern of Souls.
  • Mirran Crusader: Great when BGx decks are prevalent. Sometimes played maindeck.
  • Dark Confidant: Confidant was frequently tried in the early days of Vial Humans, but never caught on. However, the low curve of the deck, plus its desire to see its hand full of action, means that Humans players should keep Bob in the back of their minds.
  • Harsh Mentor: Who knows, maybe this card could be good? If it hit planeswalker loyalty activations it would be a sideboard staple, but it's probably too narrow.
  • Yixlid Jailer: Probably not needed now that Bridge from Below, Faithless Looting, and Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis are banned, but this graveyard hate on a stick can be a blowout against certain all-in graveyard decks.
  • Phyrexian Revoker: How about a Pithing Needle on a stick? Versatile, and can name mana abilities on non-land cards (e.g., Devoted Druid, Heritage Druid, Urza, Master Artificer).
  • Qasali Pridemage: This is Humans' only real out to Torpor Orb, and should be considered if that card ever again becomes a common sideboard staple. Pridemage shares the Wizard creature type with several other cards in the deck.
Other creature cards have also seen play--players should be aware that some creatures' restrictive casting cost (e.g., non-human creatures with B or R in their cost, or even Humans with BB, RR, or the like) can be difficult to play on-curve.

Playing the Deck and Card Roles

Humans wins by attacking opponents with creatures. Sometimes chipping in for a few points here and there is a winning line, but usually the Humans player will want to attack for a lot of damage as quickly as possible. Three cards serve this role:
  • Champion of the Parish: One mana, and often grows to a vanilla 6/6 or larger.
  • Thalia's Lieutenant: Pumps the team on ETB--crucially, the team stays pumped even when she leaves. Gets pumped herself by later team members. Players should be aware that they can activate Vial with her trigger on the stack, giving a counter to both the Vialed-in creature and the lieutenant.
  • Mantis Rider: Often swings in for 4 on T2, and flies over clogged ground states. Can sometimes be hard to cast under multiple Horizon Canopies.
  • (Honorable Mention) Noble Hierarch: Exalted is a huge part of why this unassuming mana dork is actually one of the defining cards in the deck, and, truthfully, in the entire format.
Humans survives to win off its remarkable ability to interfere with opponents' plans. Sequencing and playing this part of the deck takes some practice, and relies on a sound practical understanding of what the opponent has access to and what they are trying to accomplish. Playing these cards correctly can be tricky, but here is a brief overview:
  • Thalia, Guardian of Thraben: Thalia's tax effect is nearly always one-sided, and is surprisingly powerful against many decks. She can really punish land-light draws from opponents, but is easy to kill. Her Legendary type means that some lists run only three, since she is bad in multiples--but this is offset by the expressions on the faces of opponents who kill one troublesome Thalia, only to immediately see a second take her place. Nonbos with Phantasmal Image.
  • Meddling Mage: Meddling Mage is one of the premier cards in the deck, and should always be played as a 4-of. Players should ask themselves "what do I lose to?" when considering cards to name with this creature. Though it is often locked out of attacking, it acts as a one-card win condition against many decks (for example, near singlehandedly pushing Storm out of the format when Humans first appeared as a major player in fall 2017). Combos beautifully with Kitesail Freebooter and Reflector Mage (see below). Can be fairly weak against decks with a lot of redundancy or widely-varied threats, e.g., Burn or BGx.
  • Reflector Mage: Reflector is a tempo mainstay, and unlike other disruption pieces, is free to attack or chump without unlocking options for an opponent. Can be weak or dead against some combo or control decks. Overlaps with Deputy of Detention.
  • Kitesail Freebooter: Freebooter is the Humans player's only way to directly peek at and disrupt an opponent's hand, and as such fills a crucial role. However it is a very slow clock, and gives back its card when it dies. Flying can be very relevant. Many lists currently run only three.
  • Deputy of Detention: This card is increasingly common in the maindeck of Humans lists, and its easy to see why. Deputy is great against many of the things Humans loses to--e.g., Ensnaring Bridge, Worship, all manner of other artifacts, enchantments and planeswalkers, and also tokens. It's vulnerable to removal and won't push damage through, but its utility against the things Humans loses to is hard to dispute.
  • Unsettled Mariner: After much initial hype, few lists have adopted this card in any significant numbers. Its ability overlaps with Thalia's; Mariner's ability is better against abilities and spells that target the player, but weaker against many combo decks. Stacking its effect with multiple copies, or with Thalia, can be extremely powerful.
Value Cards
Humans benefits from having some general utility cards to play--these cards serve to make the other cards in the deck better or more consistent.
  • Phantasmal Image: Image is a mainstay, but despite having been called "the best card in the deck," many lists now run only three. An opening hand with several Images can be a mulligan for lack of good targets to copy, and Image can be difficult to cast with some land draws. However, copying Thalia's Lieutenant, Reflector Mage, Meddling Mage, Mantis Rider, Militia Bugler, or Deputy of Detention can be extremely powerful. Since it dies to almost anything, it's often sided out against removal-heavy opponents. Note that it does not target on ETB, and that it can copy opponent's creatures when necessary.
  • Militia Bugler: Like Reflector Mage, this utility Human does its job on ETB and then is free to attach or chump as needed. Unlike Reflector, it digs for hate and provides near-certain card advantage (~93+% chance of hitting a target in the top 4 cards). As such, it strengthens Humans against some of its hardest matchups, i.e., against those decks that run lots of targeted removal. Vigilance can be relevant to squeak in closing damage while ensuring against the crackback. Gets extremely powerful when chained with Phantasmal Image.
  • (Honorable Mention) Canopy Lands: Most Humans lists now run 4-5 (rarely more) cantripping painlands. Damage from these lands can kill an unlucky Humans player, but flood insurance is extremely important in a deck that can run out of gas. Most players choose some combination of Horizon Canopy and Waterlogged Grove.

Select Matchup Notes

UW Control
As always with UW Control, the longer the game goes, the worse for the non-UW playing opponent. Humans needs to try to balance committing to the board for a fast win with the likelihood that it will get X-for-1'ed by a sweeper. Meddling Mage should often name Path to Exile and then Supreme Verdict, but Snapcaster Mage and Cryptic Command can be good choices as well. Deputy of Detention hits walkers, Detention Sphere, and Timely Reinforcements tokens, plus any angels they might side in. Games often go long, so consider siding out an Aether Vial. Postboard, an early Meddling naming Path, backed up by Gaddock Teeg, is a near-lock for the Humans player.
Good Cards: Thalia, Meddling Mage, Gaddock Teeg, Sin Collector.
Bad Cards: Reflector Mage.
UR Phoenix
The key to winning here is to avoid a Thing-flip blowout and/or a quick death to multiple Phoenices. The removal package from this deck is also annoying. Given this, the Humans disruption package is key, especially Thalia and Reflector Mage. Deputy of Detention hits multiple Phoenices, resets Thing, and is a total blowout against Aria of Flame... go ahead, Bolt that Deputy. I dare ya!
Good Cards: Thalia, Reflector Mage, Deputy of Detention, Damping Sphere
Bad Cards: Phantasmal Image, Kitesail Freebooter
G Tron
Wow... Tron. Humans can get there, but needs to avoid Oblivion Stone and especially Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Wurmcoil Engine is vulnerable to Reflector Mage, but Deputy of Detention also hits O-Stone and their walkers. Thalia can be juuuust enough stalling to get there on occasion, but is usually pretty bad, especially on the draw. Collector Ouphe is a major upgrade for Humans in this matchup.
Good Cards: Kitesail Freebooter (hits almost all their payoff cards), Collector Ouphe, Gaddock Teeg, Damping Sphere, Deputy of Detention
Bad Cards: Reflector Mage, Thalia when on the draw
Mono-R Phoenix
This Phoenix deck is very fast, and winning the die roll is recommended, haha. Reflector Mage and Deputy of Detention are good here, and Thalia is amazing, but it's hard to make her stick. Meddling Mage suffers from an overabundance of relevant cards to name. Phantasmal Image dies immediately. Winning in this matchup will usually happen after turning the corner late, often by the skin of the Humans player's' teeth.
Good Cards: Auriok Champion, Thalia, Reflector Mage, Deputy of Detention (can be slow when on the draw), Damping Sphere, Sin Collector, Unsettled Mariner
Bad Cards: Phantasmal Image, Meddling Mage
Mono-R Prowess
This deck is very fast, and winning the die roll is recommended here as well. Reflector Mage and Deputy of Detention are good here, and Thalia is amazing, but it's hard to make her stick what with all the Lava Darts and Gut Shots. Unsettled Mariner is extremely good, and Damping Sphere might be correct on the draw postboard. Auriok Champion just beats the Prowess deck, but watch out for Kozilek's Return. Like Burn and Mono-R Phoenix, a win here is likely to come after turning the corner at a very low life total..
Good Cards: Auriok Champion, Thalia, Reflector Mage, Deputy of Detention (can be slow when on the draw), Damping Sphere, Sin Collector, Unsettled Mariner
Bad Cards: Phantasmal Image, Meddling Mage
Amulet Titan
This deck is hard to interact with, but Deputy of Detention can hit Amulet of Vigor and Hornet Queen tokens. Meddling Mage should name Primeval Titan but also can hit Engineered Explosives or Summoner's Pact for value. Without disruption, they will win--Humans is the control deck in this pairing. Consider bringing in Gaddock Teeg to turn off their EE, since it is such a huge part of their gameplan against us.
Good Cards: Meddling Mage, Deputy of Detention, Phantasmal Image (copy the prior two), Damping Sphere
Bad Cards: Reflector Mage (often too slow, less versatile than Deputy), Militia Bugler, Kitesail Freebooter, Thalia
This deck is very tough for Humans, watch out for maindeck Sweltering Suns and sideboard Anger of the Gods plus some number of Lightning Bolts. Despite the sweepers, Humans has to go full aggro to try to close out fast, since the Titan deck has inevitability. Valakut means that your disruption will get shot down after about T4; nonetheless, Meddling Mage can play a role here, even by naming a suspended Search for Tomorrow or by naming the more obvious Primeval Titan. When on the play, naming Sakura Tribe Elder on T2 can prevent both ramp and the crucial one-turn Fog effect that Scapeshift players rely on to turn the corner. Deputy of Detention can hit Khalni Heart Expedition or Prismatic Omen, and so is a better choice than Reflector Mage. An early Sin Collector can prevent an X-for1 sweeper blowout, or can take Scapeshift later when they are one turn from casting it.
Good Cards: Meddling Mage, Deputy of Detention, Beaters (Champion et al.),
Bad Cards: Reflector Mage, Thalia (they have too much mana--she's OK on the play though), Militia Bugler
Loads of removal means an unfavored pairing for Humans, but Humans can get there with a little luck. Thalia and Mariner are excellent, taxing most of their spells, and Reflector and Deputy help out with the tempo plan that Humans needs in order to win. Meddling Mage has too many targets, but if you resolve one, Fatal Push is a good choice in the absence of knowledge about their hand. For this reason, Freebooter is pretty good, despite their removal. Phantasmal Image dies to everything, but can be decent if it copies a Hexdrinker and levels up to 3. Humans players will do best riding an early Champion or Mantis Rider or two, followed by Reflector or Deputy to clean up their board.
Good Cards: Thalia, Reflector Mage, Deputy of Detention, Kitesail Freebooter, Unsettled Mariner, Dismember, Beaters (Champion et al.),
Bad Cards: Meddling Mage, Phantasmal Image
The author hasn't played this one often, but suspects that the key is preventing Thopter Foundry and Ensnaring Bridge from remaining on the board. As such, Meddling Mage and Deputy of Detention are key in this matchup, and Phantasmal Image can copy them profitably. Clearly Collector Ouphe and Plague Engineer are great postboard, but watch out for Dead of Winter. Gaddock Teeg seems possibly relevant, to prevent Whir of Invention shenanigans, and Deputy of Detention can clear up all kinds of troublesome artifacts. Phyrexian Revoker might be good if this deck and Stoneforge decks gain wide adoption.
Good Cards: Thalia (on the play), Deputy of Detention, Meddling Mage, Collector Ouphe, Plague Engineer
Bad Cards: Reflector Mage, Militia Bugler
Meddling Mage can't hit everything it needs to, unless you get like three or more, but Thalia and Mariner are amazing, as is Auriok Champion postboard. It's hard to beat them when on the draw if they open with two creatures, similar to the mono-R Prowess match. Vial is good to get around Eidolon of the Great Revel, but the Canopy lands can lose the game for an unfortunate Humans player. Their best card is Searing Blaze, so watch out for it; Deflecting Palm is rare but can be a blowout against a big Champion. A blocking Auriok Champion can be killed by Skullcrack. Humans lists do not actually need Knight of Autumn for this pairing.
Good Cards: Thalia, Auriok Champion, Sin Collector, Unsettled Mariner
Bad Cards: Deputy of Detention, Phantasmal Image, Meddling Mage
UR Storm/Twddle Storm
Just name Grapeshot with Meddling Mage in G1, and then prepare to sweep up Empty the Warrens tokens in G2/3 with Deputy. It's easy to play the control role with the Humans deck. These matches are as close to a bye as it gets for Humans.
Good Cards: Meddling Mage, Thalia, Deputy of Detention, Gaddock Teeg (for Gifts Ungiven/Past in Flames), Grafdigger's Cage, Damping Sphere
Bad Cards: Thalia's Lieutenant
Grixis Death's Shadow/Mardu Death's Shadow
Reflector Mage really shines here. Thalia and Mariner's tax effects are very relevant, especially on the play. Watch out for state-based effects: a blocking Death's Shadow can grow and survive a would-be-fatal block if another attacker gets through and damages the GDS player. Swinging into a blocking Shadow with Thalia and another creature can also be a non-obvious mistake. Watch out for their Temur Battle Rage combo win. Meddling Mage has a hard time sticking on the board.
Good Cards: Reflector Mage, Thalia, beaters (Champion et al.), Dismember, Auriok Champion
Bad Cards: Phantasmal Image, Kitesail Freebooter
Deputy really strengthens this match, as does the new Collector Ouphe postboard. Meddling Mage really has too many targets, but can name one of the classic Affinity wincons--Etched Champion is probably a good bet, since it resists most other answers. Note that Phantasmal Image can copy Etched Champion for the block and trade, though, as long as it can't be targeted from the other side. Reflector Mage and Deputy can handle a bunch of counters that end up on anything other than a Champion or Inkmoth Nexus. Thalia is very bad. Freebooter has few targets, but can take a Cranial Plating or postboard Ghirapur Aether Grid or Galvanic Blast and is important for blocking, especially if you can get a +1/+1 counter on it.
Good Cards: Deputy of Detention, Collector Ouphe Dismember, Plague Engineer, Izzet Staticaster
Bad Cards: Thalia, Meddling Mage
Hardened Scales
Similar to Affinity, but Collector Ouphe is even more important. Deputy and Reflector wreck Hangarback Walker and nerf Walking Ballista, but you have to remove their sac outlet first. Arcbound Ravager is a strong Meddling Mage target if you can get ahead of it. Pay attention to their counters math when they have Hardened Scales in play--they can easily "win out of nowhere" against a careless opponent.
Good Cards: Deputy of Detention, Collector Ouphe, Dismember, Plague Engineer/Izzet Staticaster
Bad Cards: Thalia, Meddling Mage
Elves is super tough, one of Human's truly unfavored pairings. They have widely varied creatures and they get bigger and wider faster than Humans does. This is a hard match, but Grafdigger's Cage out of the side hits both Collected Company and Elvish Clancaller's activated ability. Deputy can be decent at cleaning up multiple dorks, but don't get greedy, since it's easy to find you wanted to bounce things one turn too late. Thalia is terrible.
Good Cards: Deputy of Detention, Reflector Mage, Phantasmal Image, Grafdigger's Cage, Dismember, Plague Engineer/Izzet Staticaster (early/on the play!)
Bad Cards: Thalia, Kitesail Freebooter
Meddling Mage should usually name Conflagrate with multiples targeting Life from the Loam or Assassin's Trophy postboard. Auriok Champion is amazing tech in G2/3. Deputy of Detention is especially good if you can turn off Conflagrate, and obviously Cage is great in G2/3. Note that neither Grafdiggers Cage nor Meddling Mage stop Creeping Chill when the Dredge player mills it.
Good Cards: Deputy of Detention, Meddling Mage, Grafdigger's Cage, Plague Engineer/Izzet Staticaster (for Narcomebas or Bloodghasts)
Bad Cards: Phantasmal Image, Kitesail Freebooter
Humans (Mirror)
This is tricky, and Meddling Mage in particular can be tough to play well. Naming Reflector Mage and then resolving Deputy can be a real blowout, though. Phantasmal Image tends to even out differing sideboard choices. Thalia is all but dead.
Good Cards: Deputy of Detention, Reflector Mage, Phantasmal Image, Beaters (Champion et al.), Dismember, Plague Engineer, Izzet Staticaster
Bad Cards: Thalia, Meddling Mage, Kitesail Freebooter
Last edited by deaddrift 4 years ago, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

(this post reserved for future edits)

Welcome to the MTGNexus Humans thread! Please feel free to suggest changes to the primer above--I wrote it in one sitting and may have made some careless mistakes or left out important details. Good suggestions will be added to the top post. Thanks for reading!

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

My current list is just a little different than some--I am all-in on Deputy of Detention, playing two main and two side, and bringing them in often. Since Deputy overlaps with Reflector Mage, I am down to three of that card. And since Deputy can be hard to cast (though it is a Wizard), I tweaked my land package to support it.

I have been very satisfied with this list, especially the main 60, and would not change it right now. I do wish I had a little more room in the sideboard--I'd love to have two Damping Spheres and room for an Izzet Staticaster. Plague Engineer strikes me as possibly a little flavor-of-the month, since in the absence of a Ziggurat it will mess with the mana base for other spells.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

Hi there! I should have come here to read your primer and advices before going in for the MCQ yesterday. I've defeated Hogaak twice with my Humans list, and also Bant Infect and GW Hatebear. But I've lost to Rakdos Elementals and THREE TIMES against Burn.

Meddling Mage is really bad in this matchup. At one time, I had 3 Mages out, on Searing Blaze, Lightning Helix and Rift Bolt (there was a Lightning Bolt in the GY, so I was going for the most probable next removals). But opponent attacked with 2 Goblin Guide and a Swiftspear. I didn't dare block for fear of losing my disruption, and 2nd main phase Skewer the critics removed the Mage on Blaze, opponent land dropped and cast said Blaze on the Mage naming Helix. The house of cards fell apart and it went downhill from there.

Against Burn, I think Meddling Mage game 1 should be used to aggressively block. Opponent is likely to attack into it, thinking you'll want to protect it. At worst you'll declare the blocker and have it removed by a Burn spell, thus soaking a spell and some damage from the attacker. At best, opponent was bluffing and will trade his attacker for your otherwise pretty bad Meddling Mage.

Freebooter is even worse than Meddling Mage. It can't disrupt multiple copies of the same removal, and will never profitably block any of their creatures.

I've draw a game because of Deflecting Palm game 1 on a big Champion. Had I foreseen it (reading your advices), I would have refrained attacking with it. I had lethal anyway with my other attackers.

Deputy of Detention is far worse than Reflector Mage. It's easily killed, can never be pumped by Lieutenant to escape their Burn spells, and will automatically give them back their creature (either with Haste, or punishing Eidolon).

Kambal can potentially be good in this matchup, but I think Sin Collector is effectively better.

Going forward, in a world where Hogaak is likely to get banned, and Wrenn&Six and Phoenix are likely to thrive, there's a case where Unsettled Mariner could be better than Freebooter in the maindeck. Tajic main or in the side is a card that I strongly consider. Not only Tajic's toughness puts it out of range of Wrenn&Six, but it has Haste and can be used to remove the new PW of Jund, while also pumping a teammate to escape a second Wrenn&Six.

Problem with removing Freebooter and Deputy in the future metagame will be Urza's Thopters and other Combo decks. Removing a key card from hand or from the board is paramount in these matchups. It's a puzzle we'll have to resolve.

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Post by chaos021 » 4 years ago

I'm not so sure Wrenn and Six will thrive in a post-Hogaak world. Even if that ends up becoming an issue, Unsettled Mariner seems far better than Tajic.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

Let's celebrate the Hogaak and Faithless Looting ban! :)

Mardu Pyromancer, Arclight Phoenix, Dredge and RBx Skelemental are probably downgraded to Tier 2-3 due to the Faithless Looting ban, and we're probably heading to a world that will be dominated again by Tron and Humans. Some predictions :
  • Urza's Foundry may well stay Tier 1, or fall out favor like Storm did when Humans first ascended to glory in 2017 (Freebooter and Meddling Mage are good at killing non-creatures based Combo decks).
  • Jund is particularly well positioned to counter Humans and Urza's Foundry (with Assassin's Trophy and Kolaghan's Command in the main deck). With Wrenn and Six, Jund will take a share of Tier 1.5, if not 1.
  • Burn can beatdown Tron and control Humans. I can see a rise of this deck.
  • UW Control, Amulet Titan and Eldrazi Tron will also fight for a spot in Tier 1 on their own axis.
Wether Stoneforge Mystic becomes a thing, or just an FNM fun deck has yet to be discovered. If it does, and Urza's Foundry continues to stay on top, then we may have to keep Deputy of Detention in the main deck. Or maybe not. I wish we can put it back in the sideboard where non humans belong, and instead play in that spot a human more suited for the expected metagame.

Now, do we fill the flex spots with Unsettled Mariner, Militia Bugler, Kessig Malcontents, Restoration Angel, or even Heron's Grace Champion, Tajic, Legion's Edge or Giver of Runes?

Contrary to [mention]chaos021[/mention], I think Tajic is better than Mariner to fight Jund. This deck has access to so much mana and removals, I doubt a mana tax will be a problem after turn 2. On the other hand, Tajic is immuned and provide immunity to Wrenn and Six -1 ability, while also protection our tribe against Lightning Bolt and Kolaghan's Command. The 3/2 Haste body + Mentor trigger are also pretty good at killing Jund's Planeswalkers. These arguments, plus the expected rise of Burn in the future metagame (and my recent trauma against that deck), make me want to fit Tajic somewhere in the 75 (but I admit Mariner may well shine against Burn, even if it is likely to die fast, unless we can hit multiples with Thalia).

Maybe one possibility is to play Giver of Runes in the maindeck (not a human, but far better than Dauntless Bodyguard), swapping Waterlogged Grove and 0-1 Horizon Canopy for 1-2 Sunbaked Canyon, to have a chance at activating Tajic's ability (if it ever becomes useful, like teaming up with Thalia to block an x/5 Tarmogoyf or Gurmag Angler).

What do you guys think of the direction Humans should take?

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

It just crossed my mind : can we play Stoneforge Mystic and a sword in the flex spots? The manabase can be tweaked to accomodate these (1-2 less Ziggurat, some Sunbaked Canyon or Silent Clearing). Maybe it is too slow, but a Mantis Rider with a Sword of Fire and Ice is a very tempting prospect (unblockable by most flyers in the format, immuned to burn spells and all bounce effects like Reflector Mage, Cryptic Command, Teferi, Time Raveler, Jace, the Mind Sculptor, etc.). :)

Sword of Feast and Famine can also be inserted in the SB for the expected Jund matchup.

Dreaming of :
T1 Vial
T2 Stoneforge Mystic + Noble Hierarch
T3 activate Mystic, put a sword in play, pay to equip with Hierarch's help and third land, and attack with a 5/5 Mystic, burning anything for 2 and drawing an extra card
Edit : this can't work, because Mystic has to tap itself to put an Equipment in play... it's a longer game solution...

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Post by chaos021 » 4 years ago

Giver of Runes is hot garbage in Humans. It's not aggressive and definitely doesn't fix any specific problems.

I guess we'll just have to disagree on Unsettled Mariner vs Tajic. Tajic goes down like every other thing in the deck so I really don't know how that's a point for it over Mariner. It really isn't imposing with 2-toughness and an inability to activate first strike. If you're worried about Jund, they pick your hand and your board apart. Every time they target you or your board, they are getting taxed. It's nothing but gain if you can use that lost mana (or ability to cast spells on time) for tempo. You're the aggressor. They're just trying to hold on. The only card you truly fear from Jund is Plague Engineer. Everything else, you should be smashing through.

If you're going to play Mystic with Swords, then I think you're better off playing a Taxes deck.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

Thanks for the comments. I was just brewing new ideas for the deck. Stone forge Mystic is really disappointing in Humans, from the little I have tested with it so far. As for the Mariner vs Tajic dilemma, it may not be a problem if they don't compete for the same slots. Do you keep Freebooter and add Mariner instead of Deputy in the flex slots? Or do you replace Freebooter by Mariner and then it's really a question about Deputy or Tajic (and not Mariner vs Tajic).

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

Hey, psyched to see you guys here! Glad to see a dialog.

Welp, not to put too fine a point on it, but I have been crushing my large and active LGS for the past couple weeks. In my last 5 events I'm 19-2-1... and I've played from the draw in G1 in 16 of those 22 rounds. My shop is pretty serious and regularly has over 40-50 players in each of their two weekly evening Modern events. One of our regulars just top 8'ed at Vegas! (He can be pretty tough to beat, I've found.)
I kind of feel like the deck is a sleeper right now, I feel like I have game against anything as long as I understand what they're up to. I am loving Mariner, actually gonna cut an Image for it and see how that works out. Once again, the card is just good against what we need to be good against, just like Deputy. Stacking Mariner with Thalia is gross. Did someone say we were bad against Jund? I haven't played Tajic, but Mariner seems pretty clearly better to me vs. Jund, since it taxes all the destroy effects, targeted discard, Lili minus, etc., and it is cheaper, and it stacks. But I could be wrong, and I appreciate the reminder about Tajic, he should definitely be in the primer. Any other suggestions to add?

Not feeling SFM for us, I don't think, but test it and see, maybe. If so, it might give credence to Wizards' worries about homogenization.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

For what it's worth, Freebooter can Exile the Sword or Batterskull opponent just fetched with Stoneforge Mystic (because it doesn't have Haste and must tap to use its ability). That's the best way to disrupt their plan, for Deputy of Detention is often awkward because Batterskull can be bounced in their hand at instant speed and played again with Mystic. Bouncing the Germ with Reflector Mage is as awkward.

We are heading into a brand new metagame, full of unknowns. I don't think cutting Freebooter to 2 is sound (we need information), particularly if it's the best card in the deck against Stoneforge Mystic (Meddling Mage does nothing if Mystic resolves first, since the Equipment is not cast, but put into play with an ability).

BTW, I've also seen UW decks use Jace or Teferi to bounce Mystic in their hand, to fetch a Sword that would equip Batterskull's Germ. With Sword of Fire and Ice in hand, that 6/6 Germ is very hard to stop (protection from blue means our Wizards can't attack anymore, and neither block it with Mantis Rider). Again, that makes the case for Freebooter in my mind : I don't want less than 3 in a meta that will see Stoneforge Mystic and that will pitch me against unknown decks (and among the known is Urza's Foundry, a non creature combo deck we need to disrupt).

To make room for 2 Unsettled Mariner (and keep 2 Deputy in the main in case Karn or Whir fetches Ensnaring Bridge), I would go down to 3 Phantasmal Image and 3 Reflector Mage (we don't need 4 if the deck to beat is Tron in the next metagame, and if Stoneforge Mystic is popular, because bouncing a Germ is meh and impossible if it is equipped with the right Sword).

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

Personally, I'm not going to adjust my deck for SFM until I see how it's playing out. Who knows, maybe Phyrexian Revoker will be the tech we want. But I wholly agree on the 2 Deputy/3 Reflector/3 Image plan, since I've been doing that for a while now.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

Good article : Dylan Hand's "How to build Humans in the new Modern format". I agree with the author's vision on the decks to beat in the post-ban Modern format : Urza's Foundry, Humans, Tron & Eldrazi Tron, Jund, UW Control, Spirits, Amulet, Burn and Mardu Death's Shadow (with Stoneforge Mystic a likely appearance in 2-3 of these decks).

Dylan's list is pretty stock, but he's going forward with 4 Freebooter and 3 Thalia, with 2 Deputy in the flex spots. The full playset of Freebooter is probably in anticipation of Stoneforge Mystic (where Thalia is not likely to shine). He has also replaced the basic Island with a second Waterlogged Grove.

His sideboard has the classic spread of 3 Auriok Champion, 2 Collector Ouphe, 2 Plague Engineer and 2 Gaddock Teeg. But he adds 2 Xathrid Necromancer (for the control matchups), a third Deputy of Detention, 1 Hostage Taker and 2 Knight of Autumn (4 hate artifacts, 2 hate creatures and 2 hate Burn in four cards).
Here's my list, for the moment :
I'll be going to the next event with 2 Deputy in the main deck, but will replace Freebooter #4, Image #4, and RefMage #4 with 3 Unsettled Mariner. It does shine in the right matchup, and is amazing to copy with Image. In a metagame where Burn and Jund are both expected to do well, I doubt Freebooter #4 will be better than Mariner. And with both Tron and Urza's Foundry, we're not likely to need that 4th Reflector Mage that much. As for Phantasmal Image, it is either the best or the worst in the deck, and I'll try it on 3 to begin with.

I'm going to stick with 1 Waterlogged Grove and 1 Island. Too many Canopy Lands is painfully taxing our life total, and I prefer to have more targets to fetch against Path to Exile, Assassin's Trophy and Field of Ruin.

In the sideboard, I don't like Xathrid Necromancer at all. It's very conditionnal : you have to push Vial to 3, keep it available and with opponent actually playing a sweeper on exactly turn 4 to get value. Otherwise, Control can easily have the mana to remove it before playing the sweeper. Sin Collector, however, is always a 2 for 1 against Control, Midrange or Burn, without any condition to blank a sweeper (plus added information).

I can see why the extra Deputy, 1 Hostage Taker and 2 Knight of Autumn are there (hate artifacts/equipment, plus expected metagame of creatures and Burn). But I think the author is overshooting a bit with the artifact hate (considering there's already 2 Deputy main deck), and forgeting that Auriok Champion can block all day long a Germ equipped with Batterskull (and the Sword that grants protection from white is not played).

Since CoCo Combo, Kiki-Jiki, Copycat and Affinity are still decks in Modern, some Dismember will continue to be needed in the sideboard (and they're useful in many other matchups, too). And I will stick with my idea of 2 Tajic, Legion's Edge in the sideboard. I have a feeling it is the right card for us in our most difficult matchups (Burn and Jund, along with main deck Unsettled Mariner and not instead of it), and may well be excellent in others (if only for Haste and Mentor, to push 4 damage the turn it is played... maybe against Control and Tron on the play?).

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

I dunno, I'm no pro, but I'm not sold on that list. I disagree with some of his reasoning, too. Xathrid seems just wrong to me, and Knight of Autumn might be called for, but not against Burn, at least not in a Mariner list. But of course he doesn't have Mariner.

I don't know, it's going to be a very different meta, but I only play on paper, so changes are a little slower to show up for me. I expect SFM to be all over the shop on Friday, though.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

Just so you know : going all in with 4 Freebooter will be required if Stoneforge Mystic is played a lot in your metagame. Other than Deputy, there's nothing in the main deck to properly disrupt a Sword or Batterskull if Stoneforge Mystic ever untaps (Reflector Mage on a Germ token, but that is a short pause).

I've tested a version with 2 Hostage Taker in the main instead of Deputy (dreaming of stealing opponent's Sword or Batterskull, or just a fat Goyf). Fine, but not great (slow). Maybe as a singleton, and with 4 Freebooters instead?

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

For what it's worth, you may want to add notes about the Scapeshift/Valakut matchup in the primer :

On the play, turn 2, you can play Meddling Mage and name Sakura Tribe Elder (prevent ramp and remove a blocker that is on a suicide mission). This will slow down Primeval Titan by at least a turn, with the benefit of more damaged due to unblocked attacks.

Before opponent can untap with 3 lands, make sure you grab/name Anger of the Gods with Kitesail Freebooter or Meddling Mage (unless you can tax it for a turn with Thalia).

I found out tonight that naming Scapeshift or Titan early in the game is not the proper play. This can wait until the opponent is almost ready to cast them, and this will be later if you properly disrupted their ability to ramp.

If you see white sources in their manabase, beware Nahiri (don't end the turn with tapped Freebooter or Meddling Mage, or they'll remove your disruption).

Good cards : Meddling Mage, Kitesail Freebooter, Sin Collector, Gaddock Teeg
Bad cards : Deputy of Detention and some Aether Vial (hate artifact spells are likely, anyway, and you pretty much want to keep everything else in this matchup).

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

Your idea about Meddling naming Sakura-Tribe Elder when on the play against Titanshift is a good one, and I've used that to some success in the past. Sin Collector seems good in that match, too. I'll add some notes to the pairing description above, thanks. I haven't seen classic Scapeshift in some time, personally, and I don't think it's prevalent enough to add to the primer.

I took a week off, now that school is back in session, but last night I went 4-1, beating Bogles (in two games, on the draw), UR Storm, and GDS twice. Lost to 4c Whirza. My current record with the deck at the past 6 weekly events is 23-3-1(ID) and the store credit's adding up nicely.

I haven't played against Bant Soulherder, Niv Mizzet, or Orzhov Stoneblade decks yet. I'd appreciate notes from any readers who have.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

Do you think any Throne of Eldraine's Humans are playable in Modern Humans?

Charming Prince is probably the most likely to make the cut in our 75. Given the versatility, I would say it goes in the main deck. But then, it has always been hard to squeeze a new card in there.

Gadwick, the Wizened is interesting. It can be played with Aether Vial on 3, or if we're flooding out, it's a great way of spending extra mana to draw X cards. Horizon Canopy and Plains don't like UUU, however. But it seems there's a lot of aggro potential in a 3/3 for 3 that will remove a blocker every time we cast Phantasmal Image, Meddling Mage, Reflector Mage, Mantis Rider or even Unsettled Mariner. Clearing the way for Lieutenant and Champion has always been the fastest way to win...

I was excited with Robber of the Rich at first, until I realised it's opponent's top deck that is exiled, and that not even Kitesail Freebooter is a Rogue. Maybe in the SB for the mirror match? Or to mess with Jace's Brainstorm ability, or just Opt, in the UW Control matchup? We probably have better cards for that...


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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

Prince seems situationally good. Since it nonbos with Image, maybe replace Image with Prince? Humans has so many candidate cards, it's an embarrasment of riches. We just have to trim to the strongest 75 for whatever's happening at the moment. I'm not sure the new ELD Humans are better than what we have... but otoh I miss stuff all the time, like how good Mariner turned out to be.

I missed with Bugler tonight, had to bottom a Mantis Rider and three lands. First time in a long time.

Is it right to side in Ouphe (and side out Vials) against Stoneblade builds?

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

I would definetily side in Ouphe against Stoneblade decks. The power of that card is not just fetching an equipment, but to put in play a Batterskull that has just been bounced in hand. Removing the bounce ability is nice, as is denying opponent the ability to Equip a Germless Batterskull to the Mystic. Same is true for the Sword that can't be equipped to a Germ or Mystic.

I would not necessarily remove all Vials from the deck if I side in Ouphe, but I may. It depends on how many cards I need to side in, and how many are bad in the matchup. Ouphe may be removed, and having a Vial to come back fast and strong may be quite good. Also, you may want to play Vial and keep to the aggro plan, and only Vial-in Ouphe when it's appropriate.

I doubt Prince should replace Image. But I think we can trim down Image, Thalia, Freebooter and Reflector to 3, to make room for 3 Prince and 2 Deputy in the main deck. This means no slots for Mariner or Bugler... Makes sense?

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

Humans has so many good cards that I think this debate will always be with us at some level. One thing I like about Charming Prince is that it doesn't immediately die to Plague Engineer, which every black deck now plays as a 2-of in the side. I also think that if the format is super wide open right now (and I think it is), then that makes Burn and Mono-R Prowess decks a smart choice. That in turn pushes Humans towards Prince.

Reid Duke evaluated Charming Prince here.

I am not a big fan of Image. It's by far my most sided-out card. Dies to anything and is only good when it has a relevant target... I have a very hard time imagining myself ever again playing four, personally.

I've cooled off a bit since my last update, going 2-2, 4-1, and 1-2-1 at my last three weekly events. Last night my draw was with a weirdo Jeskai Snow-Blade-Copycat deck I'd never heard of. I sided in Ouphe for G2, lost to the combo, and then sided it out for G3 only to get stalled by Batterskull.

The format seems so wide open. I notice that recent placing Humans lists seem closer to stock, compared to the lists I was looking at a month ago when I wrote the primer. I imagine that larger Comp REL events are more focused after the initial rounds, compared to my weekly scene. Maybe I'm making a mistake in cutting Kitesail, since it powers up Meddling so much. Most recent lists have 3-4 again, where some decks cut it altogether a few weeks ago. But I do love Deputy, Militia Bugler, and Mariner... decisions, decisions.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

Do we may have a new, better toy than Charming Prince, in Tenacious Knight. Repeatable card advantage is really good, and opponent may like it, too. But being Aggro, Humans should be benefit more from it than opponent, as well as the repeatable life loss.

For the moment, I think the field is too crowded with Jund and Burn. Playing both Freebooter and Mariner is what I plan to do next time.

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Post by deaddrift » 4 years ago

Regarding Tenacious Knight, it seems to me that BR is a pretty restrictive casting cost for Humans, with only 12 lands that can produce either color.

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Post by Patbou » 4 years ago

deaddrift wrote:
4 years ago
Regarding Tenacious Knight, it seems to me that BR is a pretty restrictive casting cost for Humans, with only 12 lands that can produce either color.
Makes sense. I haven't factored the colors of the spell, given that we play 5 colors. While we have 85% chance of being able to pool B or R on turn 2, on the play, for Kitesail Freebooter or Mantis Rider (with Noble Hierarch's help and 12 golden lands), there's barely 51% chance of landing two such lands on turn 2 to pool RB for Tenacious Knight. Odds barely reach 84% by turn 8!!! Unless we replace 4 Canopy lands with 4 Mana Confluence (and lose the flood protection), or new golden lands are printed to expand the possibilities, I agree with you : Humans can't afford a RB, RR or BB card in their list (and even with 16 sources, odds are only 69% on turn 2).

We're trying hard to find the next best card for Humans in Throne of Eldraine, but maybe it's sleeping in Eldritch Moon...

It just crossed my mind that Thalia, Heretic Cathar effectively shuts off Whirza's combo (Thopter Foundry's tokens entering the battlefield tapped can't pool mana with Urza, Lord High Artificer's ability). Not only is she also likely to delay their whole strategy (lands that ETB tapped is compounded with Thalia, Guardian of Thraben's tax), but fresh tokens (Thopters and Urza's Construct) and the Lord Artificer himself can't block for a whole turn. While Deputy of Detention can steal a Foundry, another Foundry can easily be played or tutored. But a full playset of Thopter Foundry can't bypass Big Thalia. She must be dealt with, and can't be ignored.

Big Thalia seems very well positioned in the current metagame, and I'm pretty sure she's worth 2-3 slots in the main deck right now :
  • Jund can't chain lands with Wrenn and Six, and we get 1-2* extra turns to attack before Tarmogoyf or Gurmag Angler can untap (*delayed + ETB tapped). Casting Bloodbraid Elf is also delayed for a turn + it can't attack or block on that later turn.
  • Burn only plays 2-3 basic lands, so the tax on the lands has about the same effect as Baby Thalia, and the two effects stack together (spells taxed and lands delayed, doubly so when tapped fetch land has to put a tapped Sacred Foundry to cast Boros Charm or Lightning Helix). Haste is wasted on Goblin Guide and Monastery Swiftspear, and extra damage can be pushed before a blocker untaps ;
  • Tron's (mono-green and Eldrazi) plan gets seriously delayed (often fatal for them). Wurmcoil Engine can't block anything until turn 5, instead of turn 3 (delay + tapped). A delayed Thought-Knot Seer has less choices, and a delayed+tapped Reality Smasher loses 10 points of damage. Oblivion Stone and All is Dust are also delayed a full turn, as are their Planeswalkers (and the feared toolbox of Karn, the Great Creator).
  • Scapeshift is making a comeback lately, and is hit pretty hard by Big Thalia (delayed ramp + delayed titan + tapped lands = doom). Amulet Titan is less susceptible to Big Thalia's effects (because of Amulet), but a tapped Primeval Titan can't be hasted, and that extra turn may be all we need to win.
  • UW Control's sweepers will likely be delayed a full turn, just like Snapcaster Mage and Vendilion Clique, that also can't be used to ambush. Stabilizing becomes difficult with Timely Reinforcement, as the tokens can't block for a full turn.
  • Stoneblade's Batterskull is also a lot worse as it can't ambush anymore (less life gained and more damage suffered = compounded effect).

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