Korvold, Fae-Cursed King - Bring me gifts that I can eat! [Retired]

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

This deck has been retired.

Korvold, Fae-Cursed King - Bring me gifts that I can eat!

Creatures (tokens and sacrifice outlets)

Creatures (sacrifice outlets)

Sacrifice outlets (other)

Land sacrifice outlets

Eldrazi Spawn / Eldrazi Scions

Graveyard to battlefield

Instants (other)

Approximate Total Cost:

The deck has a heavy sacrifice theme. Literally 83 cards in the deck have the word "sacrifice" somewhere in the card including all the lands. Only the basic lands (12 of them) and seven non-land cards don't have sacrifice as some part of their ability.

Given this you will get additional advantages off playing any of the cards in the deck with Korvold, Fae-Cursed King draw and +1/+1 counters.

These are tokens of gratitude for our Lord Benefactor. - Creating Tokens

There is a lot of token generators in the deck, whether that be creatures or even other things like Treasures or Clues.

Eldrazi Spawn / Eldrazi Scions

There are some enchantment cards that generate scion tokens; Awakening Zone, From Beyond.
These are perfect as you can sacrifice them for mana while also drawing cards and even potentially setup Korvold for huge power and toughness boost threatening lethal commander damage.


There are a number of ways to produce treasure tokens, which are perfect as they provide additional mana and draw with Korvold.
These are Dockside Extortionist, Ruthless Knave, Pitiless Plunderer, Brass's Bounty.

Ruthless Knave can be used to sacrifice token creatures to produce treason tokens. With Korvold in play you'll get to draw 3 cards if you sacrifice the treasures for mana all up for each b you spend, as it cost 3 mana but you get 2 from the treasures.

There is a lot of land ramp in the deck, so getting a sizable number of lands to make Brass's Bounty produce lots of tokens is easily done. It can be a game winning play as you get to draw a card each time you sacrifice one of the treasures.

Dockside Extortionist is also an easy way to produce tons of treasures. As the game goes longer it's effectiveness to produce lots of tokens goes up. An excellent card as it scales with opponents success.

Pitiless Plunderer represents a massive amount of potential card draw, as it get's triggered by token creatures as well. Sacrificing Eldrazi tokens for example will generate treasures and these in turn can be sacrificed for more mana and draw.


There is a smaller element of getting clues which are also great with Kovold's abilities.
Tireless Tracker in conjunction with the land ramp can produce a solid amount of clues each turn. With Kovold you can sacrifice them to draw 2 cards, which is worth the mana investment at times.

There are a myriad of ways to produce creature tokens in the deck, representing ways to produce permanents for sacrificing.
These include Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, Tendershoot Dryad, Avenger of Zendikar, Turntimber Sower, Prossh, Skyraider of Kher, Nesting Dragon, Titania, Protector of Argoth.


The greatest gifts are by those that make the greatest sacrifices. - Sacrificing creatures

Because there are a lot of ways to generate token creatures, we have some special ways of sacrificing these for advantages.
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician for additional draw and creature removal.
Viscera Seer is cheap to cast and gives you scry on each sacrifice.
Phyrexian Altar and Ashnod's Altar are powerful tools for generating mana.

Now there are some cards that produce tokens that have their own inbuilt sacrifice outlets as well.
Turntimber Sower and Prossh, Skyraider of Kher.

Phyrexian Tower allows you to sacrifice a creature.

I own these lands, pay me my due taxes. - Land ramp and searching

The land ramp or searches also have sacrifice effects, which allow for card replacement, as well as additional lands. Because the land ramp is all based around basic lands, the only non-basic lands are fetch lands and utility lands that allow advantages through sacrificing.
Literally 23 lands in the deck have sacrifice as part of the card, so you can draw a card for 2/3 of your land base. This makes it super easy to get card advantages with Korvold simply based off your lands.

There are some cards that allow you to search for any land, and not just basics, Elvish Reclaimer, Crop Rotation, Scapeshift.
There are a number of utility lands in the deck, so you can use these to get something that will help at that stage of the game.

Scapeshift can be a game changer with the massive draw you can get off sacrificing lands. You can setup for more draw by searching for lots more fetch-lands. Try and setup getting value off Field of the Dead as well.
For example say you cast Scapeshift with seven lands in play. You could go for something like Bloodstained Mire, Marsh Flats, Misty Rainforest, Prismatic Vista, Verdant Catacombs, Wooded Foothills, Field of the Dead.
This will draw you 7 cards in the first place with Korvold.
Field of the Dead will trigger 7 times as well getting you Zombie tokens.
The on your next turn you can sacrifice your search lands and get a mix between Snow-Covered and normal basics so that Field of the Dead will still get triggered with "different names". That will mean drawing 6 more cards and getting 6 more Zombie tokens.

None shall oppose my royal decree. - Removal

The removal in the deck has the clever design of also sacrificing (as part of the effect) allowing you to replace the cards you use against opponents.
These are a mix between artifact and enchantment removal, Caustic Caterpillar, Viridian Zealot, Thrashing Brontodon, Ingot Chewer, Seal of Primordium.

There is also creature removal with Shriekmaw and Executioner's Capsule.

Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos with all the creature tokens and sacrifice outlets will mean you can easily remove your opponents boards of creatures, on-going as well.

Remember we have Yawgmoth, Thran Physician that can be used for killing off opposing creatures with so much creature token generating in the deck.
Mayhem Devil is similar in that you can deal damage to creatures with every sacrifice you do, controlling the board potentially of a troublesome creature. But it can also target planeswalkers and opponents giving you further reach on troublesome targets.

Trinkets. I love shiny trinkets. - Artifacts

There are a few artifacts that can be sacrificed for value, meaning you'll get the draw and pump with Korvold.

Nihil Spellbomb can draw you 2 cards when used, so effective to hedge against graveyard strategies. Also you can sacrifice it to Korvold as part of his coming into play or attacking clause and even though you won't exile graveyards you can still spend b to get an additional draw.

Wayfarer's Bauble can get lands and draw.

I'm stuffed, I couldn't possibly eat another person. - Discarding and graveyard use

Because you get draw from almost every card in your deck with Korvold on the battlefield you will often be discarding cards due to hand size at end of turn. The deck has lots of ways of producing mana, but it's not a storm deck that looks to play out your cards in single big turns. It's more like you get to filter for cards that will serve you best at that stage of the game.

However we can use setting up our graveyard for a number of cards, so think of end of turn discarding as a setup for the future, and not as a loss of potential resources.

World Shaper and Splendid Reclamation allows bringing back lands that are in your graveyard. Combine this with the fact that we have lots of sacrifice land effects, like fetch-lands and spells which sacrifice lands in play to get others from library.
Major combos to look for are using land sacrifice outlets in conjunction with these to get maximum value; Sylvan Safekeeper, Need for Speed, Squandered Resources.
You can even look to sacrifice all your lands in the attempt to draw into one of the graveyard recursion cards if you are in a tight corner (I have done this many times).

Sylvan Safekeeper can also be used to sacrifice lands for the protection. Saving Korvold from spot removal is going to be worth it most times.
Need for Speed and Squandered Resources can be used to sacrifice lands in order to draw into much needed cards.

Living Death can be used in several different ways. It actually makes you sacrifice your creatures in play so this can be used for draw and getting the creatures back from your graveyard. A lot of the creatures have self-sacrifice abilities for advantages, so chances are you've got a graveyard filled with creatures.
But you also have a high chance of having a way to sacrifice all your creatures in play anyway, so you can send them to graveyard before it resolves and then you get the creatures back straight away anyway.

The King is dead, all hail the King! - Playing without Korvold

Another good thing about this deck is that you don't actually need Korvold in play for the deck to still have a proactive game. He literally just represents additional value to the cards that you are already playing, albeit much more busted.

The +1/+1 counters can be both and blessing and a curse, which sums up Korvold existence nicely. He can represent an enormous creature quite quickly via sacrificing permanents and can easily attack for commander lethal (or just lethal damage) on opponents. But this in turn can make him a target for removal.
But it is nice to have a huge flying creature to eliminate the next most threatening player and also use him as a political way to leave your stuff alone. "If you attack me then I will attack you with Korvold", type stuff.
Last edited by darrenhabib 3 years ago, edited 41 times in total.


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Post by BeneTleilax » 4 years ago

Oh sweet, a real proper thread for this guy! More than a few cards I'm gonna crib for my own list here. I can't believe I missed Tinder Wall and Orcish Lumberjack, despite both of them sitting in my "potentially useful chaff" box for just this occasion. A few questions though. Why Alpine Guide over Wood Elves? Bringing the land in untapped can be quite useful early-game, and the extra +2/+2 doesn't seem like it'll matter when we're probably sacrificing the body anyway. Given the amount of land-synergies and counters you're running, have you considered Evolution Sage? Similarly, World Shaper is gonna put in work here. With Brass's Bounty, Yawgmoth, and other miscellaneous draw Reliquary Tower also merits consideration.

Why no Ophiomancer? If you've got any level of ground beef in your meta, it's an unreasonably good rattlesnake, while pumping out sac fodder every turn. If most of the big dumb threats are airborne, Stinkweed Imp is solid, and synergizes with Izoni, Feldon, and Champion of Stray Souls. Living Death+Reliable GY removal+repeatable sac outlet=Plague Wind that refreshes all your ETBs. Living Death+Korvold replaces all the cards you lost, even if you don't have a way to sac them beforehand.

Lastly, run The Gitrog Monster.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

BeneTleilax wrote:
4 years ago
Oh sweet, a real proper thread for this guy! More than a few cards I'm gonna crib for my own list here. I can't believe I missed Tinder Wall and Orcish Lumberjack, despite both of them sitting in my "potentially useful chaff" box for just this occasion. A few questions though. Why Alpine Guide over Wood Elves? Bringing the land in untapped can be quite useful early-game, and the extra +2/+2 doesn't seem like it'll matter when we're probably sacrificing the body anyway. Given the amount of land-synergies and counters you're running, have you considered Evolution Sage? Similarly, World Shaper is gonna put in work here. With Brass's Bounty, Yawgmoth, and other miscellaneous draw Reliquary Tower also merits consideration.

Why no Ophiomancer? If you've got any level of ground beef in your meta, it's an unreasonably good rattlesnake, while pumping out sac fodder every turn. If most of the big dumb threats are airborne, Stinkweed Imp is solid, and synergizes with Izoni, Feldon, and Champion of Stray Souls. Living Death+Reliable GY removal+repeatable sac outlet=Plague Wind that refreshes all your ETBs. Living Death+Korvold replaces all the cards you lost, even if you don't have a way to sac them beforehand.

Lastly, run The Gitrog Monster.
The Alpine Guide over normally ramp like Wood Elves is because A) I like to play cards that I haven't before, even if it might mean a power drop. B) It does have a sacrifice so leads to a draw. But land ramp is more important than draw, so for a better deck, yes Wood Elves would be the one.

I haven't thought about anything to do with counters yet (Evolution Sage). I did look at Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest but decided going wide with value at this stage is good enough, and going big and tall might not be necessary. However I have played Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest in a lands matter deck (Tasigur, the Golden Fang) and it often was my way of winning eventually, so I am aware of it's power.
Same with The Gitrog Monster I understand that it's going to produce a lot of draw, but I feel that I already have more than enough draw, and that it's mana each turn that will be the probably bottleneck.
Too be honest it's hard to judge ratios until you've played some games, and then you get a feel for if you need more mana sources, or more draw, etc. At this stage though I'm not putting much emphasis on cards that can provide more draw.

I definitely have thought about lands from graveyard matter cards World Shaper, Splendid Reclamation, The Mending of Dominaria, Lord Windgrace, Wrenn and Six, were all on my potential list of playables.
Again I've actually played out this strategy with that same Tasigur, the Golden Fang deck that looked to dump heaps of lands into the graveyard to then put them all into play.
Alright so why not not here? Well I guess I measure it off that I don't have any dedicated ways to dump cards into graveyards. It's all happening through fetch-lands, and few lands sacrifice (Harrow, Sylvan Safekeeper, Elvish Reclaimer, Alpine Guide, Springbloom Druid).
Scapeshift being the bigger payoff for a return all lands to play card, but I suspect that you're in a winning position most of the time anyway once you've resolved it with an adequate setup.
Now this is definitely good enough to run at least one of these and as you suggested World Shaper is probably the best as you can use attacks for setups, and it also triggers some of your creature sacrifice effects.
I think I'll just play World Shaper over Alpine Guide and be pretty happy.

So touching upon the Reliquary Tower topic I'm not a huge fan for a number of reasons. If you've read a number of my past threads I explain why Reliquary Tower is one of the most overrated and even most likely cards to lose you games rather than win you games.
However I do play it in my Greven deck so I am not without evaluating cards based on content of the deck. Without going off on a tangent it really depends on graveyard strategy versus "need to maintain more than seven cards in hand"? If you hold a fist full of cards can you even cast them all during the course of the game? A deck that has a lot of once off mana producer can really use a high threshold of cards in hand. But if you can only cast 2 to 3 cards a turn, are keeping excess cards really necessary, especially if you're set to draw more? I could go on for days about this card, so to cut a long story short, I do not like it in a 3 color deck and I have some graveyard strategies, so I don't like it.

On that note Living Death could be winner for sure. I feel like I am going to be discarding due to hand size a lot, and this makes that use your graveyard as a resource better.
I think that I've probably got too much draw right to what I can cast most games. There will be exceptions where a get a good Dockside Extortionist, Pitiless Plunderer, Brass's Bounty going for a single explosive turn. But my instinct is that I've got more draw to mana at this stage.
So yeah I'm happy to give me a reward for this by dumping creatures and lands into the graveyard, and using World Shaper and Living Death as payoffs for this. I have a lot of sacrifice outlets so should be able to get creatures on the board into graveyard.
Thanks for all the suggestions.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

I feel like if ever there was a commander for smokestack this guy is it.

I also think bloodsoaked champion is pretty darned great.

Deck is looking quite neat :)

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

pokken wrote:
4 years ago
I feel like if ever there was a commander for smokestack this guy is it.

I also think bloodsoaked champion is pretty darned great.

Deck is looking quite neat :)
When I was researching cards I had this list hallmarked for a "land destruction" package.

You can see that you can leverage off a Stax element with Korvold giving you card draw to be able to bounce back with symmetrical effects nicely.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

squandered resources probably worth throwing on the list, esp. if you play World Shaper. There's probably an infinite mana loop there somewhere (or if not infinite then quite near). corpse dance perhaps.

If not attempting to go infinite, then possibility for pretty triumphant turns of sac all my lands to draw cards then worldshaper them back.

Risky though :)

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

pokken wrote:
4 years ago
squandered resources probably worth throwing on the list, esp. if you play World Shaper. There's probably an infinite mana loop there somewhere (or if not infinite then quite near). corpse dance perhaps.

If not attempting to go infinite, then possibility for pretty triumphant turns of sac all my lands to draw cards then worldshaper them back.

Risky though :)
I think you want to set yourself apart from what you could just play with The Gitrog Monster. Like there is absolutely a way to play a heavy lands matter deck, but what does Korvold provide over Gitrog if it's land sacrificing and returning? I think it would have to be the mass land destruction that red can give you.

A combo I can think of would be with enough mana use Squandered Resources and World Shaper to trigger Witch's Cottage allowing you to put back World Shaper onto top of library. You'd be able to draw it with Korvold draw ability, and you'd also need a sacrifice outlet (for World Shaper).
Scrap that World Shaper makes the Witch's Cottage tapped thus not triggering.

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Post by pokken » 4 years ago

My thought is that the main advantage of Korv is being a lethal attacker with evasion and then secondarily access to red cards like gamble and crack the earth, even wildfire and firebombers. I don't think you'd want to build a full lands matter but the various crucible and loam effects feel almost automatic to me.

It is huge that korv survives wildfire pretty easily for sure.

Mostly you don't have to play bad cards like wild mongrel and kozilek and oblivion crown.

Also pox. Forgot about that.

Oh dockside extortionist is also unreal. Man that card is good.

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Post by sweetwaterbob » 4 years ago

How about Mayhem Devil as an outlet for all your sac effects?

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

sweetwaterbob wrote:
4 years ago
How about Mayhem Devil as an outlet for all your sac effects?
More creature control sounds good to me. I've been thinking that Yavimaya Elder is not what I want anyway as I want to keep my basics in the deck for fetches, rather than in hand.

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Post by benjameenbear » 4 years ago

Playing with Korvold in Arena makes me think that he's a legitimate Commander for a High-Powered Jund deck. I like the way you're going here.

Reprocess is probably a fantastic card with your current deck configuration and a great card generally with Korvold.

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Post by Cyberium » 4 years ago

What do you think of Birthing Pod in this deck? You do have 36 creatures. I can see Eldritch Evolution and Dread Return being used as well.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Cyberium wrote:
4 years ago
What do you think of Birthing Pod in this deck? You do have 36 creatures. I can see Eldritch Evolution and Dread Return being used as well.
I have to say there are probably a little too many creatures that have to use the sacrifice ability of the cards themselves to get value, rather than specially ETB or LTB.

You could still go something like Dockside ExtortionistSpringbloom DruidWorld ShaperShriekmawIzoni, Thousand-EyedAvenger of ZendikarSekki, Seasons' Guide.

If you wanted to sacrifice Korvold (at 5 mana), you could get Champion of Stray Souls and just let Korvold go to the graveyard to get him back next turn.

The problem is if you have drawn some of the better creatures for chains already, then you're going to be basically taking a whole turn to just move through the converted mana costs. For example say World Shaper has already been used. Your options for 4 cmc are; Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, Shattergang Brothers, Sifter of Skulls of which you don't want really want to sacrifice. But then again they can provide value during that turn, so maybe still good enough?
I think I'm convincing myself into it. It won't be the end story for Birthing Pod as an inclusion without me thinking about some value creatures and converted mana costs more.

Yeah Eldritch Evolution and Natural Order are potentially good to combine with some creatures you might run.
You need really specific cards in mind when you run these cards however. I run them in my Zacama deck, but I have a very focused plan. This deck doesn't really have "combos" so would need to think about it more as well.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
4 years ago
Playing with Korvold in Arena makes me think that he's a legitimate Commander for a High-Powered Jund deck. I like the way you're going here.

Reprocess is probably a fantastic card with your current deck configuration and a great card generally with Korvold.
I've been trying to stay away from too much additional cards that allow you to draw, but Reprocess is a good backup card to Korvold if his been locked out of the game, so definitely worth a look over.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Got my hands on Korvold and finally been giving him a spin. As per usual lots of re-gigging after my initial build, but on the whole great commander and great deck off-the-bat.

I've expanded on the things that worked the best and World Shaper along with the tons of sacrifice lands mean't I had a really great way to get tons of lands into play. Mainly after a Scapeshift, so I've added Splendid Reclamation also.
Plus you do get to draw tons of cards with Korvold, so one big plan is to just discard tons of lands at end of turn to get them all into play off Splendid Reclamation or World Shaper. This has worked particularly well.

The lands themselves I've changed a lot. I underestimated how often you'd actually run out of fetch-able land-types after a decent Scapeshift, so gone down on the colorless utility lands in favor of color-fixing land type cards.

Also with drawing so many cards, I figured some cards that allow you to play additional lands is good with Burgeoning and Exploration.

One thing I didn't really take into consideration is that if you cast Korvold early, that you have to sacrifice a permanent when he comes into play and you really don't want to be sacrificing a mana source like a land or even Sol Ring/Mana Crypt.
Then that also goes for if you want to attack straight away, you really need a permanent that you are okay with sacrificing, and mana sources are best avoided.
So on that note I've added a few additional things. Khalni Garden, Goblin Rabblemaster, Titania, Protector of Argoth, produce additional sacrifice fodder. Also Burgeoning and Exploration are fine for sacrificing on casting Korvold initially if you've already put your lands into play. I try and keep them in play however if you can, as Korvold draws expotentially as the game goes on, so playing additional lands will happen if he gets to stick around.

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest is a beating and has actually been my go to source of finishing games with huge creatures.

Korvold is easily a 12/12 type creature only after a couple of turns, so the Voltron aspect is real and kill an opponent or two quite efficiently with him as he does have flying.

All is Dust was an easy include as a catchall or colored permanent removal and it's actually a sacrifice effect so reap the rewards.

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Post by BeneTleilax » 4 years ago

All is dust is a solid include. From TED, have you considered Mad Ratter? He's been able to make two tokens each turn for me, given a free sac outlet (which I've included more of. Spawning Pit and Yahenni are great for tanking boardwipes or removal.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

BeneTleilax wrote:
4 years ago
All is dust is a solid include. From TED, have you considered Mad Ratter? He's been able to make two tokens each turn for me, given a free sac outlet (which I've included more of. Spawning Pit and Yahenni are great for tanking boardwipes or removal.
Very strong card. With a sacrifice outlet you can just sac the tokens to draw 2 cards each players turn. So that's 8 cards per turn in a 4 player game.

I don't think I have enough dedicated sacrifice outlets? I'm sure a lot of builds will have things like Viscera Seer, Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar, Goblin Bombardment and Yahenni, Undying Partisan and Spawning Pit as you mentioned.

I think if I was to run Mad Ratter that I'd change a few cards around. I'd replace it with Goblin Rabblemaster and I'd make my sacrifice outlets usable at anytime so change Champion of Stray Souls and Emrakul's Evangel (which can only be used once a turn) for Yahenni, Undying Partisan and Spawning Pit or maybe Phyrexian Altar.
I could see myself easily making these changes, thanks for the suggestions.

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Post by BeneTleilax » 4 years ago

Gladly! Evangel has underperformed in my experience with Mazirek, given how he's a one-shot, demands a bunch of weak tokens to work, and doesn't protect against wraths, so I found myself leaning towards repeatable outlets.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

BeneTleilax wrote:
4 years ago
Gladly! Evangel has underperformed in my experience with Mazirek, given how he's a one-shot, demands a bunch of weak tokens to work, and doesn't protect against wraths, so I found myself leaning towards repeatable outlets.
Actually I made these changes and it worked out really well. As you pointed out in the face of opponents creature board wipes I've often found myself without a sacrifice outlet, so just lost value on those creatures in play as "destroy" is not the same as "sacrifice".
I ended up going with Viscera Seer and Yahenni, Undying Partisan.
I managed to get Mad Ratter going for a round successfully, so know it can work.

Interestingly I was watching a stream that had Irencrag Pyromancer in a standard deck that was using extra draw to trigger it. With Mayhem Devil actually being waaay better than I thought it was going to be, winning me some games, there is a case for Irencrag Pyromancer being a shut out for opponents deploying a lot creatures.

Anyway I've gone ahead and made these changes.

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Post by BeneTleilax » 4 years ago

darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
Interestingly I was watching a stream that had Irencrag Pyromancer in a standard deck that was using extra draw to trigger it. With Mayhem Devil actually being waaay better than I thought it was going to be, winning me some games, there is a case for Irencrag Pyromancer being a shut out for opponents deploying a lot creatures.
Most of your sac seems creature-based,so I'd go with Goblin Sharpshooter first. Less dependent on Korvold, and triggers off opposing creatures too.

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

BeneTleilax wrote:
4 years ago
darrenhabib wrote:
4 years ago
Interestingly I was watching a stream that had Irencrag Pyromancer in a standard deck that was using extra draw to trigger it. With Mayhem Devil actually being waaay better than I thought it was going to be, winning me some games, there is a case for Irencrag Pyromancer being a shut out for opponents deploying a lot creatures.
Most of your sac seems creature-based,so I'd go with Goblin Sharpshooter first. Less dependent on Korvold, and triggers off opposing creatures too.
Actually I was using Mayhem Devil to shoot some of my 1/1's with Dictate of Erebos in play to edict my opponents one game which saved my butt.

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Post by BeneTleilax » 4 years ago

Oh, absolutely keep the devil's, card is a house. I was talking about Sharpshooter>Pyromancer

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

Just a few tiny changes. I've found myself still ALWAYS wanting a creature sacrifice outlet in play to get value out of my creatures. It feels so bad to setup a massive board and not get value when an opponents casts a wrath effect for example. There is always one or two every game. So adding Phyrexian Altar as another source.

Also I wanted to add a haste element to the deck as you can go massive in a turn very very easily.

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Post by silversnakes » 4 years ago

Hello, darrenhabib I saw your Korvold list an fell in love with it at first sight. Using the envoke creatures and just the amount of saccing in general that the deck was doing seemed awesome. I come to you asking for a bit of guidance you see. I haven't actually played with my list but, wanted some a bit different from you and wanted to go tall instead of wide. I also, don't have access to the fetches so they are absent from the list as well as few other things but, not bc of budget I have a habit of putting cradle in every green list I make. Without further ado https://archidekt.com/decks/212943#Korv ... Sacrifice).

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Post by darrenhabib » 4 years ago

silversnakes wrote:
4 years ago
Hello, darrenhabib I saw your Korvold list an fell in love with it at first sight. Using the envoke creatures and just the amount of saccing in general that the deck was doing seemed awesome. I come to you asking for a bit of guidance you see. I haven't actually played with my list but, wanted some a bit different from you and wanted to go tall instead of wide. I also, don't have access to the fetches so they are absent from the list as well as few other things but, not bc of budget I have a habit of putting cradle in every green list I make. Without further ado https://archidekt.com/decks/212943#Korv ... Sacrifice).

Not having more fetch-lands does make World Shaper and Splendid Reclamation a lot worse, but there is not much that can be done about that.
But still Scapeshift is still a game winner, so you can still cast this AND have a very good chance of drawing into World Shaper or Splendid Reclamation for the ultimate in value.

I will say that the best additions to the deck I made were more sacrifice outlets that you can use in response to an opponents board wipe effect, like Wrath of God, etc, that require no investment of mana.
I added Viscera Seer and Yahenni, Undying Partisan and they have been great.
The problem with your build at the moment is that too many of your creature sacrifice outlets are either during your turn (God-Eternal Bontu, Reprocess, Skullmulcher, Thromok the Insatiable, Bloodspore Thrinax, Mycoloth) or cost too much mana to activate many to really get value in the face of a board wipe (Shattergang Brothers, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, Siege-Gang Commander).

Now with so many devour creatures you really have to ask the question "what are you actually sacrificing?".
You'll find the answer is that your true targets are actually pretty limited.
I'd say your targets are World Shaper, Symbiotic Wurm, Prossh, Skyraider of Kher, Dockside Extortionist, Siege-Gang Commander, Springbloom Druid. Also some of the devour creatures are fine to devour as well, but you're not going to want to devour Mycoloth or Bloodspore Thrinax.
The thing is that your removal should be used on opponents, so evoking or sacrificing creatures like Ingot Chewer and Caustic Caterpillar will mean that they realistically won't be part of a devour equation.
Plus it's just unrealistic to devour premium creatures as they do so much for you and you've already invested the mana to get them onto the board.
So you should shave on the number of devour creatures for sure.

Also for this reason Reprocess and God-Eternal Bontu can only really be looked at as combo cards. It comes back to the question "what are you sacrificing?" and it's the same as the devour creature conundrum.
However with World Shaper, Splendid Reclamation, Living Death you can look at these as combo cards. Therefore you probably going to need the mana to cast both of the spells during a turn.
For example you have Splendid Reclamation and Reprocess in your hand, so you need 8 mana to cast them both.
Maybe you have Living Death and God-Eternal Bontu in your hand, so you'll need 10 mana to cast them both.
But I imagine that Reprocess and God-Eternal Bontu are not going to do much on their own.
Now the ball-to-the-wall move is to cast a Reprocess without having the Splendid Reclamation for example in the hope of drawing it. But that is pretty risky to say the least.
Of course the best play is if you already have World Shaper in play and cast Reprocess or God-Eternal Bontu sacrificing all your lands for value.
I just wanted to point out this is going to be the play pattern you'll find with Reprocess and God-Eternal Bontu in your deck.

I will say that Zombie Infestation with the devour creature should be a nice combo engine, because you will get gigantic amounts of cards in your hand during most games and simply never enough mana to deploy them. As I state in my thread the plan is just to discard lands and creatures to get a big reanimation spell to get them all into play (World Shaper, Splendid Reclamation, Living Death).
But the Zombie Infestation is a nice touch, will look at this myself :)

Lastly I wanted to highlight that surprisingly the FIRST TIME you cast Korvold, you have to sacrifice something and often it's a card that you want. I.e. sometimes it's a land and that feels really bad, when at that early stage of the game you need every bit of mana you can get. Trust me when you play him you'll understand.
So a little thing that has helped me is Khalni Garden.

I personally think that you'll never have the time to cast Shared Summons, Abundance, Warstorm Surge.
Xenagos, God of Revels REALLY needs trample enablers to get any value from it.

Hope this all helps?

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