Karador, Ghost Chieftain - Quest for Control

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

Another round of changes:
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The Forests are a bit wonky here. I am not really in love with these but I wanted Takenuma and I didn't have another land I wanted to cut. Since I was going to cut a Forest for it, I decided to just cut 2 and throw in Yavimaya as well. Not exactly the same since it messes with early game still and cutting 2 messes with the ramp. I will be paying close attention to this as I play a bit with the deck to see if I need to get more basics back.

Because I am cutting basics, I figured cutting Farmhand made sense. It is probably the worst option I have for ramp anyway though it might be better than Dawntreader Elk depending on how I feel it makes sense to spend the mana. It is still 3 mana either way though and at least Elk only costs 1 to activate which could matter with things like Eerie Ultimatum and Chainer.

Spring-Leaf is being tossed in over Timeless Witness. I don't know if I will get enough triggers from Avenger but being able to bounce and re-use something while also getting a recursion trigger seems enticing. And Junji fits in the recursion element as well.


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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

Approximate Total Cost:

I actually made this change a while back and never recorded it. I wanted another creature based "boardwipe" and Gearhulk seemed promising. And I never got to cast Awakening so I felt like it was the right cut for this particular deck. Hopefully I can find room for Awakening in another deck in the future.

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Post by shermanido37 » 1 year ago

I will continue to sing Gearhulk's praise in Karador as long as anyone's listening. Being able to choose it as either an artifact or a creature is important for leaving more permanents behind.
However, keep in mind that it's best against decks that amass 1 card type, such as swarm decks amassing creatures, enchantress decks, artifact decks, e.t.c. Balanced decks that have 1 mana rock, 1 utility creature, and 1 enchantment in play will recover relatively well from the effect.
I'm excited for Junji in this deck, as well as Body Launderer. Though, if you're trying to avoid combos in your deck, they might not last.

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

I think that ends up being my biggest concern: it doesn't do a whole lot against a board that only has one of each thing and I really need to get rid of one of them but can't. I do feel those situations are a bit less likely and getting everyone on the same level, even if it doesn't completely clear the board, isn't the worst thing.

Body Launderer is a bit too restrictive for me in this deck even though it does get a lot of my stuff. But I do like the effect overall. I think Junji has a lot of potential so we will see how much it becomes part of any consistent combos as I am playing. It is always something I watch out for.

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Post by duducrash » 1 year ago

Hey WizardMN, can you elaborate on Liesa, Forgotten Archangel ? I feel like you would want creatures in the yard

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

I guess the biggest thing is that, no, I don't really care about cards in the yard. I am certainly playing with that eventuality in mind but Karador is not a real reanimator deck. He just allows me to use the graveyard as another hand (for a single creature anyway) especially since I still need to pay for it. But if I am going to pay for it, I might as well just get them back to my hand.

That isn't to say I don't have reanimator elements in the deck. Chainer, Dementia Master, Junji, the Midnight Sky, Karmic Guide, and Luminous Broodmoth are all here to offer some reanimation. But I am not going all that heavy on it so having my cards back in my hand is basically better than having them in the yard. Plus, Liesa also offers grave hate against opponents which, while not the main reason she is here, is also welcome.

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

With the full spoiler of Dominaria United, here are my thoughts on some of the cards that might make sense in this deck:

Green Cards

Silverback Elder - All 3 abilities are good and while it only triggers on casting creatures (so Chainer and Broodmoth won't help it) it still ends up being a valuable creature overall. This is one of my favorite cards of the set so far (though we will see if that sticks after playing it more).

Tear Asunder - I like this for removal and even though it is 4 mana to get anything, it is exile which is relevant. And getting rid of an enchantment or artifact for 2 mana is a pretty good rate. I will see if it makes sense in place of some removal I already have somewhere.

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Post by samanater456 » 1 year ago

Hi @WizardMN ,
Just been browsing the primer. Love the write up and all the comments you and others have made here. Am I correct in thinking that the decklist shown in your original post isn't updated with you cuts and adds?


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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

It depends. I don't always update it immediately but will after a while. From what I can tell, the list in the first post should be up to date.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 year ago

Great primer. Karador is my #1 deck and I have been playing it since the moment it hit shelves. I just wanted to say I really like your list and I play my deck in strikingly similar fashion to yours which makes our lists look like siblings. I wanted to throw out a couple comments on cards that are my favorite, but nothing you haven't already seen.

Greater Good get this card back in the deck NOW! :P But seriously, only of the best cards in my deck and will never get cut.

Altar of Dementia, odd that I saw zero artifacts in your deck, but if I could only have 1, it would be this one. Combo enabler, sure, but with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed being part of your normal wincons, this can mill yourself early, and mill out opponents late. A+ card.

Nethroi, Apex of Death, I passed on Eerie Ultimatum as an easy-button card and went with Nethroi. Dude is a 1 card army that we can mutate from the graveyard for multiple iterations of mass reanimate. Yes, it needs a creature to mutate, but you play almost 40 of them.

Kura, the Boundless Sky recently took the spot of Ulvenwald Hydra for testing. Doesn't ramp, but comes down earlier, still blocks flyers well, and with Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, Boseiju, Who Endures Diamond Valley Volrath's Stronghold, Phyrexian Tower, and more, getting 3 of these becomes like a 3 card tutor that can solve so many problems. Sucks it doesn't trigger Luminous Broodmoth though.

Body Launderer is in my sideboard because I can't find a spot for it, but it does offer card filtering, discard for fattys in hand, and a loopable creature that hits a ton of utility guys, and some finishers if you have a sac loop engaged.

Woodfall Primus Combos with Mikaeus and Broodmoth. Repeatable body for sac loops and Diamond Valley life gain. Throwback fatty that just does too many fun things for me to warrant replacement. You seem to have optimized your list for Bane of Progress, which I respect. I just have a soft spot for the old Treefolk. Only card in my deck that can reveal for Murmuring Bosk

Yosei, the Morning Star is one of my late game win-cons. Sort of a griefer card, but only if used obnoxiously. Great when you whittle the table down to 1v1 to shore up a victory by locking the last stubborn player who refuses to admit defeat. Usually does good work for me.

Mana Dorks: I'm glad you don't play them. I expected to see 4-6 of them in Karador lists by default now, but with how often my creatures die, I value long term consistency in land-ramp over short turn speed of mana dorks. A breath of fresh air to see the land rampers instead of all the dorks that get wiped after a couple turns.

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

PrimevalCommander wrote:
1 year ago
Greater Good get this card back in the deck NOW! :P But seriously, only of the best cards in my deck and will never get cut.
This is still one of my less confident cuts so I am certainly not above putting it back in. But I like the way the deck plays without it, so I don't really have a strong desire to add it back in quite yet.
Altar of Dementia, odd that I saw zero artifacts in your deck, but if I could only have 1, it would be this one. Combo enabler, sure, but with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed being part of your normal wincons, this can mill yourself early, and mill out opponents late. A+ card.
Importantly, Mikaeus isn't in the deck anymore. There is a real chance that part of my primer still lists him somewhere but the actual decklist doesn't. I haven't updated the actual Primer part of the list in quite some time so some of that might be out of date. As to the card itself, it doesn't really play in a space that I like as I don't want to do any self milling. And without a combo enabler, milling opponents becomes less appealing. Not to say it is bad by any means; just not quite where I personally want to be.
Nethroi, Apex of Death, I passed on Eerie Ultimatum as an easy-button card and went with Nethroi. Dude is a 1 card army that we can mutate from the graveyard for multiple iterations of mass reanimate. Yes, it needs a creature to mutate, but you play almost 40 of them.
7 mana is already quite tough and is one of the reasons I cut him. Ultimatum is 7 mana but is far more useful. He is also more vulnerable to hate as removing the creature in response stops him cold. Ultimatum at least requires a counterspell or grave hate which are a bit harder to come by for opponents.

Since I don't run combos, I felt having an "I win" button in the deck seemed appropriate and this one is one of the more fun ones without being too oppressive.
Kura, the Boundless Sky recently took the spot of Ulvenwald Hydra for testing. Doesn't ramp, but comes down earlier, still blocks flyers well, and with Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, Boseiju, Who Endures Diamond Valley Volrath's Stronghold, Phyrexian Tower, and more, getting 3 of these becomes like a 3 card tutor that can solve so many problems. Sucks it doesn't trigger Luminous Broodmoth though.
This one I can get behind. I like Hydra for a few reasons (it ends up being a great creature to sac to Diamond Valley late game, for example), but having to wait an extra turn and only getting one land out of the deal is less impressive than Kura getting me 3. Even if they do go to hand. The main issue is that Kura does have to die which means it is a bit tougher to get her to trigger. Probably not tough enough to matter, but still tougher. Not triggering for Broodmoth is a pain but likely not a huge issue all things considered. I might find room for Kura somewhere even if I don't necessarily cut Hydra for it.
Body Launderer is in my sideboard because I can't find a spot for it, but it does offer card filtering, discard for fattys in hand, and a loopable creature that hits a ton of utility guys, and some finishers if you have a sac loop engaged.
My main issue is that it is limited to its power. Though, the Connive trigger might be more powerful than I am giving it credit for. Even if it is just to filter for lands if needed. I have it in a couple other decks and I am not opposed to it here. Though I think I am sort of in the same boat as you where it simply becomes tougher to find a spot for it.
Woodfall Primus Combos with Mikaeus and Broodmoth. Repeatable body for sac loops and Diamond Valley life gain. Throwback fatty that just does too many fun things for me to warrant replacement. You seem to have optimized your list for Bane of Progress, which I respect. I just have a soft spot for the old Treefolk. Only card in my deck that can reveal for Murmuring Bosk
To be fair, that it combos with those cards is one of the reasons I don't have it. I avoid "infinites" as much as I can and an 8 drop that generally is going to be a little slow outside the loop isn't all that appealing. It is a good card, I am certainly not denying that, but my 8 drop slot is currently covered by Ashen Rider which does the same (gets rids of 2 permanents) when not considering loops. And it gets rid of creatures which isn't irrelevant.
Yosei, the Morning Star is one of my late game win-cons. Sort of a griefer card, but only if used obnoxiously. Great when you whittle the table down to 1v1 to shore up a victory by locking the last stubborn player who refuses to admit defeat. Usually does good work for me.
I have thought of Yosei in the past but found he never was necessary. I think he has a use and I think of the griefer cards, isn't even close to being oppressive enough to care about that (without being obnoxious about it, as you mentioned). It just never quite made the cut for me but is another that I don't really feel strongly against.
Mana Dorks: I'm glad you don't play them. I expected to see 4-6 of them in Karador lists by default now, but with how often my creatures die, I value long term consistency in land-ramp over short turn speed of mana dorks. A breath of fresh air to see the land rampers instead of all the dorks that get wiped after a couple turns.
I can see both approaches and their benefits but I vastly prefer land ramp over dorks since the dorks, especially in this deck, just don't do enough. This deck also expects to wipe the board itself multiple times throughout the game which makes dorks even riskier. I too prefer running few dorks :)

I don't think any of your suggestions are necessarily bad or completely out of left field (though I think Altar of Dementia is likely the one I disagree with the most; mostly by default though so I don't disagree with any others that much). They introduce various play patterns that I have personally shied away from but arguably the cards you mentioned would find a good home in the deck and it would be hard to argue against their inclusion in a general sense. I wouldn't be surprised to see any/all of those cards in another list if I say across from one.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 year ago

WizardMN wrote:
1 year ago
I don't think any of your suggestions are necessarily bad or completely out of left field (though I think Altar of Dementia is likely the one I disagree with the most; mostly by default though so I don't disagree with any others that much). They introduce various play patterns that I have personally shied away from but arguably the cards you mentioned would find a good home in the deck and it would be hard to argue against their inclusion in a general sense. I wouldn't be surprised to see any/all of those cards in another list if I say across from one.
Thanks. I just wanted to toss out some cards I like from my favorite deck :) . Nothing ground breaking as they are all pseudo staples for graveyard decks. Small differences our build philosophy can have big impacts in card choices. I've gone harder on self mill than I have in the past with Doom Whisperer, Altar of Dementia, Greater Good, Hermit Druid (10 basics), and have a few Reveillark combo's in the deck to close out long games. The mill makes Nethroi, Apex of Death a better bet for me over Eerie Ultimatum. The explosiveness of aggro decks around me have pushed the power of the deck a bit higher over the years. If I was purposefully removing all potential infinite combos, I would definitely run Eerie Ultimatum or Majestic Genesis, which is one I may swap in for Tooth and Nail just to try out. It is high cost, but it is an 11 MV Genesis Wave for 8 MV and I run a very high permanent count, so likely 85-90% hit rate on it.

Solitude is on my wish list, but it doesn't have the right co$t benefit ratio for me. Boseiju, Who Endures though, I bought 2 right away :grin: Priorities, right?

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

PrimevalCommander wrote:
1 year ago
Solitude is on my wish list, but it doesn't have the right co$t benefit ratio for me. Boseiju, Who Endures though, I bought 2 right away :grin: Priorities, right?
I picked up 4 Solitude right away; I can't believe how much the price has already increased on it... I did just pick up 2 Boseijus recently but I haven't actually added them to either deck I want them in (Karador and Windgrace) because it is still really expensive on Magic Online.

Majestic Genesis seems like an interesting card as well, especially in this deck. It is a one card "reload the field" if that ends up being needed. 8 mana is still a lot but presumably it comes out late game to recover or start to close out games and for that it can be pretty decent.

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Post by duducrash » 1 year ago

In my abzan midrange deck I really enjoy the Wood Elves effects because of the recursion value, specially cards like Yavimaya Granger

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Post by duducrash » 1 year ago

@WizardMN I was thinking about this new Benalish Sleeper and am super excited about it. Was thinking about a second opinion. How do you feel about it? I think we get to cast with kicker even if we are using Lurrus of the Dream-Den to bring it back

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

My first thought was "why not just use one of the 3 drop options" (Plaguecrafter, Merciless Executioner, , Fleshbag Marauder, and whatever the others are) but your point about working with Lurrus is a valid one as you are correct that Kicker can still be used in that case.

However, even with working better with Lurrus, I stand by my knee-jerk reaction. I think the others are better simply because they work without needing to be cast. Chainer, Broodmoth, Mikaeus (though Plaguecrafter doesn't work with Mikaeus anyway) all allow for more use out of the 3 drop options without needing to spend mana on them. If you already run the others, I think this is a serviceable option but I don't think the added interaction with Lurrus is worth losing out on the interactions with other cards.

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Post by duducrash » 1 year ago

How do you feel about creatures that draw you cards whenever another creature yo control dies? lile Grim Haruspex , Midnight Reaper and the new Body Launderer

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Post by shermanido37 » 1 year ago

I'm running Reaper as a solid card, and have just slotted Launderer in but haven't gotten to play with it. Grim Haruspex is more budget friendly but otherwise outdated.
However, there are also other options. Effects like Vizier of the Menagerie or Augur of Autumn are gas for me since I have 40+ creatures. Satyr Wayfinder is lovely since you get one land for hand and creatures for the yard. I also like Old Stickfingers as a mana sink that fills my yard, and is also a fat beatstick for as low as 2.

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

I think I used to play a couple of these a few years back but other cards for draw sort of took their place. I think they are solid cards assuming one has the space for them. It also depends on how much you are really sacrificing or killing your stuff. Generally, our stuff dies a fair amount but they are passive in the sense that we need to wait for something else to happen instead of being a bit more active in ensuring cards are drawn. It is a minor complaint of course; they are going to perform reasonably well fairly often.

I do believe there are better options but that take is definitely subjective. I don't think I would ever think someone is wrong for including them if I saw them across the table.

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

With the release of the full Brother's War set, I have gone through to determine what cards might be good for this deck. Or, in some cases, which ones are worthy of discussion even if I may not add them:

White Cards

Loran of the Third Path - Not really sure I want her here but she is a good alternative to some of green's options. Vigilance is a step up and the draw can be useful, even if it is not used often. In any case, I think I pick up a fair few of her.

Soul Partition - I have a lot of removal options, but not a lot in the form of exile. I have a few and I think I prefer Anguished Unmaking and even Utter End for being permanent removal over one that is simply a tempo loss.

Black Cards

Hostile Negotiations - I find this to be an interesting card. For Karador especially, I get 3 cards in hand and then the other 3 are still accessible. There is always the issue of an opponent choosing the pile but at least they are doing so half blind. I don't really know that I need more card draw in this deck but it is still a somewhat enticing option. There are probably better options of course.

Overwhelming Remorse - My yard is often going to be full enough to make this 1 or 2 mana which is really good. I do like a lot of my other options as I have been moving more into the things that deal with all nonland permanent types, but this could still be in the running for a spot removal option.

Multicolor Cards

Skyfisher Spider - I often have other creatures I am willing to sac. Especially with Karador being able to get them back. Or having a spot removal option in the yard is pretty nice to see. I have flirted with Cavalier of Night in the past and I think this ends up being a better option. Sure, this doesn't have the ability to also reanimate but it also hits everything. I might decide to try to do something with it later.

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

Here are some further changes I am making to this deck:
Approximate Total Cost:

My most recent changes to add a bunch of draw effects end up being the main cards I think of taking back out. There aren't a lot of good options for cuts but this deck always seems to have a lot of additions I want to try out. Part of this is because it is one of my main two decks so I am always looking at it closer than others.

The point of this is that I want to try a few new cards but I don't really have great options for cuts. So the ones listed above aren't necessarily ones that I don't like or anything like that. They just happen to be the ones that I am less upset about losing for a variety of reasons.

Rampant Growth is the worst noncreature based ramp spell and going down one spell is probably fine. Guardian Project has another similar thought in that it is a noncreature and I have plenty of other cards for card draw.

Demon of Dark Schemes is one that I am going back and forth on a lot. It is reanimation and removal all in one but 6 mana is a lot and it just always seems to be a victim of circumstance in terms of being cut. As the list of cuts show, I am getting rid of a few 6 drops to lower the curve so I am cutting this (again).

Based on the discussion with @PrimevalCommander, I am trying Kura out over Ulvenwald Hydra. I still really like the Hydra but the 1 mana less and the ability to get 3 lands in hand ends up being a bit more enticing than a single land on the field.

Soul of the Harvest is another 6 drop that is powerful, but might not be as needed. When it was added, I was re-tooling the card draw suite and here I am cutting two of those additions. I think this is fine but I might have to revisit that if I find that I am going too far into the other direction again. But for now, it is worth a try.

The additions have been discussed in earlier posts and I think the main question marks are Tear Asunder and Skyfisher Spider. Both are removal but I already have a decent removal suite as it is now. So I might not need both. I will see how they play out once I get around to playing again.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 year ago

What do you think about Scholar of New Horizons as a 2 mana ramp dork? I am looking for a good 2 mana ramp creature that could help me curve out better than the bunch of 3 drop Farhaven Elfs I'm playing now. It is slow late game, but early it looks pretty good. I guess it comes down to Scholar of New Horizons vs. Dawntreader Elk, of which I play neither but want to replace Yavimaya Granger at 3 mana. Scholar of New Horizons just sounds good because it doesn't require extra mana, but summoning sickness makes it slower most every point except for turn 2. Tutoring non-basics is my jam, but it will have virtually zero additional synergy with the deck beyond removing -1/-1 counters from Woodfall Primus or flying counters from Luminous Broodmoth. If Knight of the White Orchid was I wouldn't even be asking, but I don't typically have on turn 2.

Scholar will get a test from me and if it under performs the Elk will probably take it's place. I just don't get many games in so it could be 6 months before I get a feel for it's performance.

Also what are your top 3-5 favorite ways to draw cards in Karador? I need inspiration for card draw.

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Post by duducrash » 1 year ago

Hi @PrimevalCommander do you have your list up somewhere?

Im not Wizard but im not a fan of Scholar, it takes a turn to be relevant, it doesnt end up in the yard so we can bring it back and it doesnt guarantee the card to the battlefield. 2 cmc ramp I think Elk, Diligent Farmhand and Sakura-Tribe Elder rock because we will loop them easily. I also have 2 of the 3 cmc effects but im not super into them because they dont sac themselves, dont cant bring them back with Lurrus of the Dream-Den

For card draw I like Nissa, Vastwood Seer // Nissa, Sage Animist , which also guarantees a landrop, Beast Whisperer, Fell Stinger and also play top of deck effects like Vizier of the Menagerie , Oracle of Mul Daya and Courser of Kruphix! Also big big fan of Plumb the Forbidden in nearly every deck but specially here, I would sacrifice many times for no value with effects such as Viscera Seer or Yahenni, Undying Partisan , doing so and drawing cards is amazing.

Two cards I havent played much with but put in the deck are Loran of the Third Path and Silverback Elder both are versatile and will be card advantage

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Post by WizardMN » 1 year ago

I think Scholar has two different ways you can look at it: land ramp or ensuring land drops. For the former I agree with duducrash in that I believe it to be a bad option. While it can get any Plains in our deck, it also means we already have to be behind on lands which (hopefully) means it is basically only good as our first ramp spell. Coupled with the fact that we have to wait a turn means it ends up being just as slow as most 3 drop options anyway. There are certainly ways to make it work by timing it right but I would rather just be guaranteed the land off Dawntreader Elk. Of course, as mentioned above, Sakura-Tribe Elder is the best 2 drop ramp we have access to so Elk or Diligent Farmhand assumes you are already playing Elder.

Looking at the Scholar as simply a way to ensure land drops makes it a little more attractive since it can get nonbasics which makes it better than something like Sylvan Ranger. But, even then, you are still waiting a turn to get that land. On turn 2 going into turn 3 it isn't the worst but if you have already missed land drops and draw Scholar, you need to miss another turn. I would much rather have a basic *now" than a nonbasic *later*.

And, of course, this doesn't even touch on what dudcrash already pointed out: it doesn't sac itself. This is important for a number of reasons. One, we want things (especially small things) to die to help get Karador online earlier. They also provide fodder for Karador to get more use. If Scholar is sitting on the field, it doesn't help Karador and Karador can't be used to reset it. It works with Lurrus but I would still rather have something that has (or can have) an effect now.

So I think there are better options and I would even rather play certain 3 mana options (Wood Elves being the obvious one) over Scholar.

As for card draw, I have gone back and forth quite a bit on finding the right card draw for the deck. Greater Good is probably the best one I am not playing and it even came up in a conversation earlier that I believe it could be a bad cut. I settled on Plumb the Forbidden, Momentous Fall and Return of the Wildspeaker as my instant forms of card draw with Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, Soul of the Harvest, and Lifeblood Hydra as my creature based ones. I do have Rishkar's Expertise and Guardian Project but I am not sure how much I like them. Soul is another I am on the fence about due to mana cost. But I do prefer the creature based versions if possible. I think in the end, Guardian Project and Soul of the Harvest will get cut and Greater Good added back in. I like Expertise for the free permanent so even though it is expensive, I do like the ability to get a few cards and cheat out something as well.

And while I am not playing most of the others duducrash mentioned, I don't think any are bad. I used to have Nissa I think and I loved Beast Whisperer in my Karametra deck a long time ago.

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Post by PrimevalCommander » 1 year ago

@duducrash @WizardMN

Karador Decklist

Here is the decklist. I am of course running Steve and Wood Elves, and a host of other ramp creatures. I think I need true ramp, which has me going back to Dawntreader Elk now. I have several other cards that bring lands to hand, but not enough that bring lands to field. Oreskos Explorer is one I really like for filling my hand with lands early. Along with Kura, the Boundless Sky, Hermit Druid and Life from the Loam, I always seem to have excess lands in hand. Makes me wonder if Oracle of Mul Daya needs to come in for Solemn Simulacrum now that we are discussing it. :)

I don't really care horribly if the creatures don't self-sac since I actually want a few early game chump blockers and things to sac for Sidisi, Undead Vizier or if Fell Stinger and crew come back in.

For draw it seems to be feast or famine. if I can stick Greater Good for more than 1/2 turn cycle, then I'm good. If I hit Corpse Augur in the mid game, I'm good. But I don't have enough testing with Grim Haruspex and friends to say if they are better or worse than Fell stinger. Stinger and Vulture never seemed to get me far enough to feel like they deserved a spot. And the creature sac really hurt my board presence early game by saccing themselves or one of my very few other blockers.

I need a Yawgmoth in here, but I'd want it in foil. If the reprint brings down foil prices I may take the plunge there. It is probably the stand out card that I'm not playing right now. I'm trying to shoehorn my draw into creatures or permanents, though that may be a mistake on my part. I probably need to branch out and add one or two single-use draws as hand refill for the late game. My heavy tutor package can find me a draw engine, but then is starts to feel repetitive getting Corpse Augur most games.

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