Kalamax, Breaking the Space-Time Continuum with LIGHTNING

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

In an effort to actually keep track of the decks that I have in paper, I need to record my current Kalamax decklist. This is the closest iteration of one of my most successful Combo decks, Dralnu turns. It has the same feeling of Draw-Go Control with needing a single resolution of an extra Turn spell to snowball into an unassailable board position and hand size (if not outright winning the game).

I decided to post it here because it includes some cards that I think would be perceived as not being casual enough to post in the main forums and any suggestions I'd like to entertain would be more appropriate coming from a cEDH standpoint.



Win Condition (1)

Approximate Total Cost:


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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

I played a game against my wife's Kaalia deck with this one. Archmage Emeritus is absolutely ridiculous in this deck. Every cast instant draws 2 extra cards with a tapped Kalamax. So. Good.

Otherwise, this deck really fulfills my draw-go personality type. I'm quite pleased with it and how it runs and the flexibility it affords.

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Post by UnNamed1 » 2 years ago

Kalamax I feel can easily slide into a cEDH slot, but is very much "protect the general" as he gets the ball rolling. Friend of mine has a high-power kalamax that quickly gets out of control. If he wasn't against counterspells, I don't believe we would ever be able to play the game.

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Post by benjameenbear » 2 years ago

I actually just decided to slot in Swan Song and Mental Misstep into the decklist recently. Sadly, most of the spells that need to be countered on the stack are non-creature spells so I think Subtlety just isn't good enough for cEDH.

I've really come to enjoy playing the Stegosaur of Lightning. If you can protect it for a turn cycle, it becomes VERY difficult to stop the sheer card advantage Kalamax can generate. The best part is that I only really need to resolve Nexus of Fate a single time in order to win the game. And it's an instant, so I can just choose my best moment whenever I want. It satisfies the itch for draw-go control.

I need to update the list for the changes that I recently made to the list. I trimmed some lands, trimmed so fat, added in more counterspells & interaction, and it's been doing well for me.

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Post by benjameenbear » 2 years ago

I updated the OP list to its actual in-card list. It's good that I did so because it looks like I have a bit too much ramp in the deck and not enough card draw sources, which explains why a few games I've had have resulted in top-deck mode. I'll make some corrections for that shortly by taking out the Signets most likely and adding in 2 more card draw slots.

EDIT: Ended up taking out just 1 of the Signets (replaced the other one with Wild Growth) and added in Return of the Wildspeaker as another card draw source. I notice that my most frequent tutor target is Dig Through Time for this deck and I want another source of raw card draw that synergizes with the deck.

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Post by benjameenbear » 2 years ago

OH MAN. The new Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant reads like a more proactive and Phyrexian-ized version of Kalamax. I'm absolutely delighted to brew up a mono-Blue Spellslinger list, as Kalamax is one of my FAVORITE decks to play atm. I'll probably come back and put a decklist in spoilers, since the comparisons between the new Jin-Gitaxias and Kalamax are so ridiculously strong.

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Post by benjameenbear » 1 year ago

Taking a look at the list, there's a few card slots that need to be cleaned up. The core of the list is ok, but there's a few very cool cards that have been printed that are worth noting in the OP. I also think I might dedicate time to making this list a Primer. Kalamax is one of my absolute favorite lists to play and he represents the archetype I first cut my teeth on and built my reputation with when I started EDH back in 2008/2009.

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