Zirda, the Dawnwaker - OwO What's This? Notices Bowos

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

Oh, definitely agree about the Adept vs. Wall of Omens, but I'm appreciating the fact that they're putting card advantage into White at all. It's so... rare.

The new Valakut Awakening // Valakut Stoneforge looks absolutely phenomenal for this deck. It draws cards and puts chaff/redundant Stax pieces on the bottom while drawing into fresh cards. I REALLY like it for Kalamax and Kaalia, so I'll be acquiring some number of this card particularly.


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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

Oh yeah. That's a card I want to test as well. Probably as a replacement for Faithless Looting?

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

Maybe? That's a tough call because the Looting costs only 1 CMC, and the Card Filtering is sometimes really nice in the early game. I think it's a decent replacement.

Maybe you can include Arcum's Astrolabe as another can-trip effect? It would be an easy thing to switch out all the basics for snow-covered basics.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

With only four basics right now (and two after the release of Zendikar Rising and Commander Legends) I don't feel confident in adding a card that only be cast with 2 out of 29 lands. Also I don't know which cards to cut for a one-time draw effect.

As for Looting, it's indeed a tough decision to make, but again, I don't really know what to cut anymore. The list is getting tighter with every change :/
EDIT: Alms Collector is a card I'm not completely sold on atm, so I think that one will have to go instead of Looting.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

This week has been a sad one for Zirda. Not only was my list not accepted to the cedh-decklist-database as the first Boros cEDH Commander, no, they have accepted a Winota, Joiner of Forces list before a single one of the many Zirda submissions the DB managers got T.T
A short breakdown of Winota, before I will add her with gritting teeth with a more extensive description to the "Other viable Boros cEDH-Commanders" section in the next couple of days:
Winota seeks to snowball from non-human attacking creatures into human creatures that are also stax pieces. She triggers for each non-human creature that attacks, so a few cheap creatures can fill up her board rather quickly with an avalanche of Stax pieces to slow down her opponents. After the deck has slowed them down, Winota tries to win with Conspicuous Snoop lines or other Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker combos.
The deck seems to be great at generating both card and mana advantage and it probably deserves its place in the database... BUT the list how it is right now lacks removal. In fact, it only plays one artifact removal option with Wear // Tear. Cards like Drannith Magistrate (no Winota, no cheating creatures in), Containment Priest (what isn't cast gets exiled fast) and especially Grafdigger's Cage (which shuts of the deck completely) sound like Winota's worst nightmare and if the meta adapts to the deck I can see it having a hard time against those cards.

But it has also been the end of Zendikar Rising spoilers, so here is my review for this set: It's not giving us many new toys.
  • Archon of Emeria - There's a reason we don't play Rule of Law effects and it being stapled onto a flying 2/3 that also slows down nonbasics doesn't change much. Usually, in the combo turn, we have to cast a Monolith, Zirda and the outlet for it, so this card will hinder us hard.
  • Crawling Barrens - It would be an infinite mana outlet to take out a player who has no blockers. I don't think it's worth running.
  • Forsaken Monument - Yes, it goes infinite with Basalt Monolith as well, but we have our combo piece for that in the Command Zone. I would love to get a third Monolith, though!
  • Lithoform Engine - I feverishly pondered how to make this card a viable inclusion in this deck. I still don't see a reason to play it, except for maybe some kind of counterspell protection, by copying a combo piece on the stack. But eh...
  • Needleverge Pathway // Pillarverge Pathway - I really like this one and will try it.
  • Skyclave Apparition - Would be fun to have a blinkable removal for problematic cards, but I'm unsure if this isn't just a gimmicky card that will be bad in most situations.
  • Valakut Awakening // Valakut Stoneforge - Is it the card draw I expected to get in this set? Definitely not. Is it the card draw, this deck can make use of? I think so. Will try this one!
  • Valakut Exploration - With fetchlands, this becomes a situational "draw 2" but I feel like it will be too slow to actually have a lot of impact.

And that's it. Some interesting cards, but there are only two that I want to play.

Time for the changes:
After a lot of discussion, Gorilla Shaman and Sword of Fire and Ice have to go. Gorilla Shaman I thought would be nice with Zirda, destroying 1 and 0 cost mana rocks for just {1}, but I don't want to have Zirda out before the combo turn normally. Vandalblast will take its place.
Sword of Fire and Ice... it's just not a cEDH card, I fear. Yes, it was the best card in the Playing With Power video, but I might have seen things through rose-colored glasses back then. Attacking just to draw a card when connecting isn't worth it. The added bonus of protection from red and blue is cool and shooting 2 damage at a target each time is nice as well... just not in cEDH. I will replace it with a card that sounds even more wonky at first: Mirage Mirror. It's a flex slot for testing purpose, so it's not final that this card stays in, but my reasoning behind this is:
Whenever I have infinite mana already, but no outlet, I wish that I could do something with it. And Mirage Mirror, paired with infinite mana (plus the chance to untap it, when it becomes a copy of a Monolith) is great. Not only can I copy an opponent's Thrasios, Triton Hero with it to draw my deck in search of wincons, I can also utilize some of the more overlooked cards in my list like Codex Shredder, Mikokoro, Center of the Sea or Geier Reach Sanitarium with it, for a win (will explain the basic line in a few seconds), plus I can copy my own Stax pieces in each opponent's upkeep for added staxing, while on my own turn I'm less affected by them.
Combo line with Mirage Mirror + infinite mana from a Basalt Monolith/Grim Monolith and one of the three cards I mentioned before (called X) is:
Activate copy ability, targeting X, hold priority, activate copy ability, targeting Monolith, hold priority, targeting X again, hold priority, targeting Monolith again. Repeat this an infinite number of times.
Let the last copy ability on the stack resolve, so the Mirror becomes a copy of X for the first time now (you won't be able to copy anything else again after that in this turn, so be careful).
Activate the activated ability of X (for Shredder, it should be the first one, use the card draw ability of one of the lands).
Let the ability resolve, then let the next copy ability resolve, Mirror is now one of the Monoliths.
Activate the untap ability and let it resolve, then let the next copy ability resolve, the untapped Mirage Mirror is now a copy of X again.
Repeat this process until you have drawn into the wincon or have it milled into your graveyard. If milled, get it out with Shredder's second activated ability, if drawn, let the whole stack resolve, cast it and win. Be careful with Mikokoro and Geier Reach, though, your opponents will draw cards with them as well, so a backup Silence or Ranger-Captain of Eos are adviced in these lines.

Needleverge Pathway // Pillarverge Pathway will replace a Mountain.
Valakut Awakening // Valakut Stoneforge will replace Alms Collector.

09/10/2020 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

I will implement these changes in the primer soon.

EDIT: Nevermind, I'm stupid. Mikokoro, Center of the Sea and Geier Reach Sanitarium are both Legendary. Mirage Mirror won't work with them -.-
It's still a nice card in the deck, but now I have to consider if I should cut it...

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

Sad to see Sword of Fire and Ice go. I have fond memories of that card due to a Cube I played, but I can definitely see how it's not super strong.

There are some promising Commander Legends cards being printed (if the spoilers are correct)!

Any game reports recently?

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

Yeah, in a format that's not about combat, it's hard to justify the Sword.

I will evaluate them, once they are all revealed officially (I know there are German leaks coming out around once per day).

Nope, absolutely nothing to report. Has been hard to find time and people for playtesting. But hey, at least I have all the cards for the deck now^^°

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

Commander Legends is fully spoiled and here is my review of cards that will make it into Zirda and cards that could be considered:

Let's talk about the elephant in the room. A Black Lotus shaped elephant.
  • Jeweled Lotus – I hate it. That being said, I also hate that I have to include in in Zirda, because it provides three mana, or in other words, a free Zirda cast when we need our mana for starting the combo. It also makes the "god hand" a bit more achievable, without combo protection you just need Jeweled Lotus, Mana Crypt/Ancient Tomb, Grim Monolith and one of the outlets to win on turn 1. I think that Jeweled Lotus will be an auto-include in many decks, EDH and cEDH alike, but it's not inherently broken.
  • Court of Grace – I don't think I'll run it, but in a format that isn't focused on combat that much, the extra card draw and blocker might be good enough to be tested. But probably not.
  • Jeska's Will – Can be used as a replacement for Lion's Eye Diamond in the Wheel of Fortune + Underworld Breach combo, because you almost always can be sure to go out of this mana positive. Will try it.
  • Spectator Seating – I talked about this card earlier, it's an obvious inclusion. I will cut a Plains for it, so I just play one basic land of each type. Risky, but probably needed.
  • Wheel of Misfortune – I'm not quite sure about this card. Another Wheel effect would be awesome and life points are just a resource, but the risk that comes with it seems to be high. I will probably test it, though.
  • War Room – With Zirda out this one draws us a card for 1 and 2 life each turn. Could be useful, but the lifeloss worries me a bit. Also I don't want to pay 3 for the ability, when Zirda isn't on the battlefield, so I don't think it will make the cut. Sadly.

Huh, I could've sworn that we were supposed to get powerful white cards in this set... welp.
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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

After pondering for a while, here are the following changes I'll make to my list (will update the primer later):
12/16/2020 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

Boros Signet needing a mana to activate made the decision to cut it for Jeweled Lotus pretty easy. Not so easy was cutting Fellwar Stone for Jeska's Will, but since both ramp, I think it was the right decision. Also, how likely are we going to run into other cEDH decks with White in it? Mirage Mirror has been a flex slot from the beginning, so I'll gladly test Wheel of Misfortune instead of it.

EDIT: Primer updated

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

Full spoiler for Kaldheim is out and I don't have a lot of new things I want to test. So here is my evaluation:

Axgard Armory - Will find only Diviner's Wand in this list and is slow as hell, so I think we're better off with not playing it.
Starnheim Courser - Finally a good white card? But still not good enough for this deck, I fear. I can see it in Elsha and Teshar decks, but here it won't do much.
Tibalt's Trickery - An unconditional counterspell that is even better with some of our taxing stax pieces out like Trinisphere, Sphere of Resistance and obviously best with Drannith Magistrate? Count me in. I love this card and I will probably cut Rebuff the Wicked for it.
Weathered Runestone - A second Grafdigger's Cage. I'm not quite sure about this, but I will give it a try, even though it can shaft Breach lines and Sevinne's Reclamation. The card I'd cut for it would be Goblin Welder as it doesn't do enough for the deck.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

First of all: My list made it to the cedh-decklist-database. At the moment, it can be found in the Brewer's Corner, but hopefully it will make its way to the Competitive section.

Update time:
I have updated the Primer with the newest changes (hey, it also got another viable Boros Commander with Koll, the Forgemaster).
03/14/2021 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

Next up is Strixhaven, and boy, I'm excited for it. The Lorehold faction is Boros-colored and seems to be based on artifacts and NOT on combat. Here's hoping for amazing new stax pieces or other cool stuff that will push Zirda's power level even higher. Can't wait to see what it has in store for us.

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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

Congratulations @KitsuLeif! That's quite an honor and I'm sure more people will pick up the deck. It's pretty solid and your Primer is well-written.

I feel like Tibalt's Trickery is way dangerous. What has been your experience with it? I see the plus of a hard counter, but flipping into a draw spell a la Ad Nauseam or Peer into the Abyss. That would be TERRIBLE, but the chances are slim.

I too am curious as to what Strixhaven will bring. I have mixed feelings about Harry Potter MTG, but if the Simic and Izzet guilds give me some good spells for my Kalamax deck, I'm down with that.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

benjameenbear wrote:
3 years ago
I feel like Tibalt's Trickery is way dangerous. What has been your experience with it?
Yeah, about that... I have not been able to play for 6 months now -_-
I can't even give an estimate when I'll finally be able to play again, because the current situation is still problematic for me in Germany. As soon as I am able to see my friends/playgroup again, I will start playtesting the **** out of this deck. But as long as I'm stuck in this lockdown, I can only theorycraft and goldfish Zirda to a point where I feel that the space for new cards is getting tighter.
Tibalt's Trickery is such a card. Rebuff the Wicked had to go for it, because a counterspell that only protects a combo-piece doesn't seem to be as good as a universal counterspell that can disrupt an opponent's win as well as protecting my own stuff. Sure, it costs RR and there are probably situations in which it pulls out a wincon for the opponent, but the way I see it is that at least I tried to stop them from winning. Bad luck if they hit another wincon with the help of my counterspell, but that's how it is sometimes.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

What a wild ride spoiler season for Strixhaven was.
It went from "Yay, Lorehold seems to be more artifact focused and less combat-oriented!" to "Oh no, they just want to dig up cards from the graveyard and create 3/2 Spirit tokens from it ><"... My hopes for good cards were almost extinguished immediately, when I saw the first few spoilers.
But let's start in chronological order (not taking the Strixhaven Commander cards into account yet):

First we had Furycalm Snarl. Where I had hoped for a Boros-colored filter land like Sungrass Prairie, I got a land that I won't be able to use because at the moment I'm running only 4 lands with basic land types on them. Very saddening to see.
Then came Plargg, Dean of Chaos // Augusta, Dean of Order and while Plargg looks like he could provide at least some value, Augusta is a total dud for Zirda.
Next up, we had Rip Apart and for a moment I was excited to see a better Abrade... until I noticed that this is a Sorcery and not an Instant (come on WotC, this should have been an Instant!).
But then, when I had almost given up this set already, there was Elite Spellbinder. I probably won't play it in Zirda, but having White exploring some more hand disruption is awesome to see. But still nothing for my beautiful fox lady.
And then. Finally. Strict Proctor out of nowhere. It's an effect I normally wouldn't want to play in Zirda. Shutting off EtBs from creatures can hurt us as much as it can hurt opponents. But this one gives us a workaround. We can adapt to paying the 2 and benefit from it, while opponents will be hindered a lot more. It's risky, sure, but it also provides us with a strong option against Thassa's Oracle, Isochron Scepter and other EtB triggers from nonland(!!!) permanents. This one will be tested for sure.
Turned out, Strixhaven just started to provide us with useful cards. Flamescroll Celebrant // Revel in Silence are both great cards on their own and while I don't play Harsh Mentor in Zirda, the ability itself is pretty neat against Dramatic Scepter. But for that ability alone, I'm not sacrificing a slot. The Silence effect on the backside is what makes this card juicy. It can delay an opponent's combo turn or protect our own combo win even better than original Silence. This one is another MDFC that I will have to get my hands on for Zirda.
And at that point the best card hasn't been revealed yet. I'm talking about Fervent Mastery. At first, this looked like a bad Gamble. But someone pointed out that this could easily win the game if we fetched Lion's Eye Diamond, Sevinne's Reclamation and Underworld Breach with it. And now, I'd call Fervent Mastery the best card in the entire set (at least for Zirda).

No, I don't want to talk about Secret Rendezvous. White deserves better than this.

So yeah. That's it for Strixhaven. If there is anything in the Lorehold Commander Precon that is interesting, I will edit this post. So far we have only seen the face Commander Osgir, the Reconstructor. His ability is interesting, but I fear that he is overcosted and since he has to tap to activate (and only as Sorcery) he isn't worth including.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

Modern Horizons 2 is out!
Should have written this way sooner, but eh... it's kinda hard to evaluate cards for a deck that I can rarely play x.x

Blacksmith's Skill - This reminds me of Rebuff the Wicked. Just a bit better. But I don't think I can fit it in.
Blossoming Calm - I don't even run Teferi's Protection or Angel's Grace so this will probably be left out as well.
Chef's Kiss - This one looked interesting, but Deflecting Swat does its job well enough.
Esper Sentinel - Now we're talking! Rhystic Study and Mystic Remora had a baby and it's finally in the colors it belongs in! This one will definitely find its way into my list. Rhystic Buddy? Fish Stick? Whatever it is called, it's great! And it can even be recurred with Auriok Salvagers or tutored with Goblin Engineer, Imperial Recruiter, Recruiter of the Guard, Ranger of Eos and Ranger-Captain of Eos. All according to keikaku! ("keikaku" means "plan".) ;)
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer - It's ramp somehow, but not of a good kind. I pondered if I should test it, but nah... and the chance to exile a card that my opponents needed is pretty low as well.
Search the Premises - How often are there attacks being declared in cEDH? This card could have been the next Smothering Tithe. But not like this.
Urza's Saga - This one I feel is so overrated. Playing it on turn 1, so I can get a mana rock on turn 3 and miss a land? No, thanks.
Void Mirror - If we weren't so reliant on colorless mana for winning the game as well, I'd have tried it. But having to pay colored mana in addition to the infinite colorless for casting the game-winning Ballista/Cannon so it won't get countered... nope. It also messes with LED + Breach and every other 0-mana rock we play. It's sad, but this stack piece is not for us.

Well... at least one new card for Zirda. Esper Sentinel is a good boy!

I'm going to implement the changes in the next couple of days, together with the Strixhaven ones I made to the deck in the starting post. I have yet to figure out what to cut for the Sentinel.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 3 years ago

I just realized I messed up majorly with the "12/16/2020 Changes". It seems like I haven't edited my decklist to implement the changes. I fixed that now and hopefully there are no errors left in it. I also removed the By Type list, since the By Function list can easily be sorted and it makes maintaining it easier, so this kind of mistake won't happen again in the future.

And I also have made some new changes that I already implemented in the decklist:
06/21/2021 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

Eldrazi Displacer had to go because it didn't further our game plan in any way. Fervent Mastery went in for it and is another way to tutor up our combo pieces for an Underworld Breach win.
Pyroclasm suffers the big problem of being a Sorcery. It also kills a lot of our own Stax creatures. For emergency cases, I still have Flame Sweep with Instant speed. Welcome the newest addition to the deck instead: Esper Sentinel. Another creature I don't want to have killed.
Silence went out, because a new card with more options came in Strixhaven. Flamescroll Celebrant // Revel in Silence.
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben had to go because I already have Sphere of Resistance and Thorn of Amethyst and even though redundance is important, so is variety. Strict Proctor is an option to counter Thassa's Oracle or even Isochron Scepter imprints and we can play around it.

I really need to work over the primer again and I will do it, when I have some more time. There are lots of things I want to change, so it looks more appealing. There are new combos I want to explain. This will take a few days or even weeks, but I'll do my best.
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Post by benjameenbear » 3 years ago

I'm looking forward to it! I'm going to be tweaking my Osgir deck based on the changes you make, comrade, as it has a bit of overlap between your list and typical Osgir builds. Either that or I'll be branching out to Mardu Artifacts to throw EVERYONE off, lol.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 2 years ago

I still have done just the basic work of updating the single card discussion in the OP, because there is another set coming out in a few weeks and it would be a shame if I had to overhaul the OP once more so soon after this one. Turns out my feeling was right, because today we were shown a great new toy that opens up new combo lines:
Oswald Fiddlebender enables a lot in this deck, like tutoring for a Monolith and then creating infinite mana on the next turn, saccing the Monolith to him and finding either Staff of Domination or Goblin Cannon, depending on which Monolith we sacrificed. Tutoring for a Monolith can be done as soon as turn 2 which is great!
Oswald will add even more reliability to this deck!

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Post by KitsuLeif » 2 years ago

So, in AFR and AFC there's a lot of die-rolling nonsense. None of that will make the cut for this list, so I can easily ignore most of the set. Also the Venture into the Dungeon stuff is pretty useless since there is no "easy" way to abuse it, with only 15 cards in our color identity, none of them being an outright outlet for infinite mana without a lot of hoops to jump through, there are only a few cards left I'd like to talk about:

Divine Smite - This feels like a substitute for Angelic Ascension and is probably a meta-call. I'll stay with AA for now.
Eye of Vecna - It's card draw, but is it worth it? It's like a bad Phyrexian Arena and that card is already bad in this format. Pass.
Fey Steed - Insert *is this Leovold, Emissary of Trest meme* here. Answer: No, it isn't. I don't think that our creatures get targeted enough to justify running this card. But it's another step in the right direction for white.
Fighter Class - It's another tutor, but only for Diviner's Wand and as such I don't want to waste a slot in this deck. For lists that play more equipments like Sunforger it could be worth a try though.
Oswald Fiddlebender - Now this is what I call an auto-include. There are so many lines to take with him, and the best of them are 1-mana/2-mana artifact into Grim Monolith/Basalt Monolith (with Zirda) into Staff of Domination/Goblin Cannon to either draw the entire deck or to win right away. Kinda makes me wish I had more creature untappers in the deck.
Treasure Vault - Converting colorless mana into half that many Treasure tokens for later use... but only once, because the land is sacrificed. I don't like that.

Heyy, at least we got one new card for Zirda. And it's a damn good one. I still need to figure out the possible lines that I can take with Oswald, but for now this is the change I'm making to the list. Because of the recent Hullbreacher ban, I think it's safe to get rid of one of the Instants that can exile. And as such Path to Exile has to go. I still like Angelic Ascension and Swords to Plowshares more because they don't benefit our opponents as much.
08/04/2021 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

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Post by KitsuLeif » 2 years ago

Ugh, I finally managed to think about the Fervent Mastery lines. I decided to be consistent with them, so they always end in the Bomberman Combo #1, but of course they can be adjusted to end in any other combo. I added them to the Synergies&Combos section in the OP. Also Oswald's lines are there as well now. That wasn't a fun task to do, but hopefully it leads to understanding the deck better.

Someone on Discord pointed out that Cogwork Assembler could be a lot better than Diviner's Wand, which I have to agree to. Diviner's Wand is only used to draw the deck, while Cogwork Assembler has more uses than just winning; but it can do that as well by creating infinite tokens of itself with Haste.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 2 years ago

This week was full of disappointments:
First, Zirda got kicked out of the cedh-decklist-database and I still don't know why. I've decided that I really don't care for that biased database anymore, I will keep optimizing the deck regardless.

Then for Midnight Hunt we were teased with "a white card that could potentially draw you a card each turn" and either I'm blind or it's just not existing in that form. There are two cards that come close but don't fit the description 100%: Gavony Dawnguard which doesn't draw a card or Sigarda's Splendor which doesn't do it each turn. I'm extremely disappointed.

So, what's left for the main set to discuss?
  • Cathartic Pyre - Either removal or rummaging for two at instant speed. Not bad and I think it could replace Angelic Ascension in my list for being more flexible.
  • Fateful Absence - Another one that could replace Angelic Ascension, but I feel like it's inferior because giving an opponent the chance to draw a card is worse than giving them a 4/4.
  • Gavony Dawnguard - I'm not seeing Day/Night to be a good strategy in cEDH, so I'll give this a hard pass.
  • Moonsilver Key - I've always said I'd gladly take a third Monolith and this is probably the closest we will get for now. It's not a Monolith, but it's a straight-up tutor for both Basalt Monolith and Grim Monolith. It can also be used to find Lion's Eye Diamond for combo purposes. And I have to make a cut for it.
  • The Celestus - With Zirda out, it's rummaging for . To quote someone from Discord "Which isn't great but it exists."
And that's it. Cathartic Pyre and Moonsilver Key will find their way into my list (after I decided what to cut for the key) and now I'm waiting for a decent white card in the Coven Precon.

Until then:
09/11/2021 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

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Post by KitsuLeif » 2 years ago

Full spoiler for Crimson Vow is out and I fear that there isn't a single card this time that will make the cut for my list.
But let's take a closer look:
  • Change of Fortune - It's a Wheel effect only for ourselves, which of course isn't bad, but a MV of 4 is a lot. The thing is, this gets better with every iteration of casting it in the same turn, so more to play around with Underworld Breach and Lion's Eye Diamond. But since it isn't our main wincon, I don't think it's worth the inclusion. Maybe instead of Wheel of Misfortune? I'm undecided. Probably not playing it.
  • Into the Night - And another Wheel, but also for MV 4 and it's not even abusable like Change of Fortune can be.
  • Sundown Pass - Too slow.

And that's it for the main set. If the Commander precons have anything new to offer, I'll update this post.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 2 years ago

Return to Weeb Plane: Cyberpunk Anime spoilers are done!
And there is something interesting but also weird for Zirda:
So yeah... that's it once again. Also, I should probably list the changes I made over the past months:
02/06/2022 Changes
Approximate Total Cost:

Angelic Ascension is a lot less flexible than Cathartic Pyre as it doesn't provide the option to draw more cards. Wheel of Misfortune is a bit too risky for my taste and I don't like relying on my opponents when it comes to card draw. Better playing it safe with a new tutor: Moonsilver Key.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 2 years ago

New Capenna review!
Again, not a lot of new cards for our fiery fox:
  • Jailbreak - This card has lots of potential. It can be used for returning an opponent's unwanted stax piece back to battlefield while working as a cheap reanimation spell for our own cards. Unfortunately it doesn't work well with Containment Priest, but with Priest out it can still act as a 2 mana "Exile target creature card from an opponent's graveyard." which can be useful in some cases. I'm not 100% sure if I want to run this card, but it's a great meta choice.
  • Smuggler's Share - I don't know what it is, but I'm not a big fan of this card. It's not a Smothering Tithe, and doesn't tax opponents, and fetch lands can be cracked a turn later to bypass this card. Only the card draw part of this card is interesting, but I feel like this card would fit more into casual lists than in cEDH.
And that's it for now.

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Post by KitsuLeif » 2 years ago

And another set that'll release in two weeks. Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate review:
  • Archivist of Oghma - A two-mana Flash creature that gives me 1 life whenever an opponent tutors or fetches... very nice. Oh, it draws a card every time as well? Yeah, this should be an auto-include in this deck.
  • Wild Magic Surge - I'm not running Chaos Warp, and this card looks like it's going in the same direction. I will stick to the White removal here and not give an opponent the chance to get something even more powerful onto the battlefield.
And that's everything that sparked my interest for Zirda. White is slowly getting better and I love it. If the Commander Precons have something interesting in them, I'll update this post.

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