Kykar, Wind's Fury - Spellslinger Tokens

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Post by shermanido37 » 3 years ago

The most insane way I won with Mirrorweave was versus an infect player.
They had played Ichor Rats early in the game, and at a certain point I had plenty of spirits but 6 poison counters, so I had to be very careful. The others were at 5 counters, and the infect player themselves with 3.
As soon as I drew Mirrorweave I knew it had to be game over, and when Golos played Evolution Sage I pulled the trigger, targeting it, playing a land drop, and putting 8 proliferate triggers on the stack.


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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

shermanido37 wrote:
3 years ago
I had to be very careful.
Ha. Some men just want to watch the world burn. Get em sherm.
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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

I just saw Ranar the Ever-Watchful. I suppose a way exists or will exist to turn this guy into a real spirit producing engine. It's too bad that his trigger text has the "one or more" rider, so stuff like Ignorant Bliss or other "exile all cards from your hand" then get them back effects don't go nuts with him.

Still, Scroll Rack, Azor's Gateway // Sanctum of the Sun, Force of Virtue, and Semblance Anvil are effects that certainly wouldn't be bad in my current deck, so I wouldn't necessarily need to warp the deck around him if he merits inclusion. Primordial Mist is also a (expensive!) draw engine and exile thingy that can help hit land drops and avoid topdeck mode. Then there are Settle the Wreckage, Winds of Abandon, and other efficient white exile effects like Crush Contraband and Grasp of Fate. Too much of an overhaul of the list unless other stuff in Kaldheim/C21 fit a similar theme and spew out tokens with these effects IMO.

If I REALLY wanted to morph the deck around him, I'd probably build a flicker package around stuff like Lumbering Battlement, Soulherder, Brago, King Eternal, Ephemerate/Archaeomancer, Parallax Wave, Conjurer's Closet/Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, and ETB token producers like Geist-Honored Monk, Cloudgoat Ranger, Whirler Rogue, and Siege-Gang Commander.

I suppose the more we learn about "foretell" and whatever support exists for it will make it more clear if he's good or not. I'm definitely keeping an eye out since he makes spirit tokens specifically. As of right now though, I don't think he gets there.

Edit: It's preeeeeettttttty dank and costs too much money, but City of Shadows is a thing that works "well" with Ranar the Ever-Watchful and chump blocking tokens. Do it twice and you've made a strictly better Ancient Tomb... or something. Ta Da!
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Post by EBrock » 3 years ago

I made some adjustments to my deck this morning. I took out Sakashima the Impostor for Spark Double. The plan is to try to Mirrorweave the non legendary spark double and have a lot of Kykars till the end of turn. That would work right?

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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

I'm no judge, but I think it's pretty straightforward since Spark Double reads "it isn't legendary", so it would be a legal Mirrorweave target and the weave copies would also not be legendary.

That is a cool interaction with a spark doubled Kykar because, unlike with a weave of Murmuring Mystic, Young Pyromancer, or Monastery Mentor, following up with noncreature spells not only gives you gobs of tokens, but also gobs of red mana. That in turn opens up nonsense with something like Electrodominance + Underworld Breach, as if the rapidly growing token army wasn't enough of a problem for your opponents. Honestly, there is probably a build around Kykar that features stuffing every way to effectively copy Kykar itself into the deck, then dumping as much spirit mana as possible into stuff like Epic Experiment and Banefire.

Whether you're just looking for the 2X Kykar + weave synergy, or want to go all out on a board full of Kykars, I think your best option is the new Sakashima of a Thousand Faces. The only reasons I'm sticking with Sakashima 1.0 is 1) it can target any creature, not just one of my own, and that can come in handy when I'm behind, and 2) that price tag. Yeesh. I'd rather just save up and buy a booster box of Commander Legends.

Also, it would seem Mirrorweave really wants a moment in the sun here recently since it made another stellar showing in a quick 1v1 I played last night: 3 spirits, Jeskai Ascendancy, Goblin Bombardment, and Kindred Discovery (spirits named) are on board, and Hour of Reckoning is in my hand. Kykar was Deadly Rollicked on my opponent's turn. They are at 20 life. I untap, draw something unhelpful, convoke out Hour of Reckoning, pump/untap spirits with ascendancy, loot into Murmuring Mystic, wipe the board except for my spirit bois, attack them down to 14. Draw 3 on the Discovery trigger: Mirrorweave, Preordain, land. Play Mystic, weave targeting mystic, pump/untap and loot into Faithless Looting and pitch the land. With 4 mystics in play I derp around with 3-4 iterations of cantrip.spell then Goblin Bombardment a bunch of birds and wizards at my opponent's face. Fun.
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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

EBrock wrote:
3 years ago
I made some adjustments to my deck this morning. I took out Sakashima the Impostor for Spark Double. The plan is to try to Mirrorweave the non legendary spark double and have a lot of Kykars till the end of turn. That would work right?
MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
I'm no judge, but I think it's pretty straightforward since Spark Double reads "it isn't legendary", so it would be a legal Mirrorweave target and the weave copies would also not be legendary.
Not a lot more to comment on regarding the options, so I figured I would just confirm: yes, this works just fine. The "not Legendary" part of the effect is copiable so any copies of Spark Double/Kykar also would not be Legendary.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

As we wait for Kaldheim spoilers I have a couple of cards on my mind:

Careful Study - This card is really growing on me as I play with it elsewhere. The debatable point is whether kykar wouldn't rather just have Opt or another instant speed blue cantrip. The case to be made for Study is that it plays with the graveyard and is another strong synergy piece with Underworld Breach the same way Faithless Looting and Frantic Search are. It also can just pitch Anger or a flashback spell. I love it in the opener since it's hard to say no to a T1 blue source into this. Smooths everything out.

Soulfire Grand Master - I adore this card, but always shrugged it off for kykar because it's a creature and the activation ain't cheap. However, I recently realized that it functions as a (finite) replacement for Haze of Rage in the combo with kykar, Anointed Procession, and Sakashima the Impostor. I think the option to storm off with effectively any cheap spell sounds fun. Brainstorm repeatedly for an answer/win-con, Boros Charm to drain 4 repeatedly, etc. She can also go hard into control if I need to with stuff like Render Silent, Fierce Guardianship, or swords/path. In a pinch I can Mirrorweave her after chump blocks for some favorable trades and lifegain. She DOES go infinite with kykar, sakashima, procession and any "free" spell a la Flawless Maneuver, Frantic Search, or Turnabout.

Snap - Speaking of "free" spells, I've found them all so stupid good that I kind of want another that's not named Gitaxian Probe or Palinchron. With creature cheaters like Gishath, Sun's Avatar, Rashmi, Eternities Crafter, Lurking Predators, etc in my meta, some cheap bounce sounds great. That and it's a one sided wipe alongside Underworld Breach and a hefty gy.

Shatterskull Smashing // Shatterskull, the Hammer Pass - ok, I'm not positive it's good here because of the high cmc, but the floor is an etbt land and the ceiling is a brutal 2 for 1 on some huge threats or even some pesky utility dorks. Plus, it wouldn't cost me a slot from a deckbuilding standpoint.

As far as potential cuts, I'm thinking Chemister's Insight, Role Reversal, Confounding Conundrum, and/or In the Web of War. I know I very recently sang each one of their praises, but it turns out that while they are all amazing when they do the thing, they are some of the most narrow and/or mana intense cards I'm running.

None of this is set, it's just me mulling stuff over. All subject to change with the new set of course. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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Post by EBrock » 3 years ago

Finally got a game in last night. I was thinking about conundrum too when I played it. played against Ertai, the Corrupted, Rograkh, Son of Rohgahh/ Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith/ and Acornelia, Fashionable Filcher decks.

Confounding Conundrum didn't do much except draw me a card and create a spirit since no one was playing green. People were playing Terramorphic Expanse and just cracking it on the next persons turn so their lands wouldn't bounce. Still, card draw and spirit for 2 is not bad. All of the players are familiar with my kykar deck and the ertai player was keeping me in check the whole game. He would remove kykar and I had no protection out ( I'm thinking about adding some boots). He also pathed The Locust God when I played that, effectively killing my card draw. I drew everyone's hate on an overloaded Cyclonic Rift, which was actually kind of fun! In return they killed my spirits and elementals so I couldn't even capitalize on that. I probably would have won at that point. I didn't draw Chemister's Insight so I could not tell you how that performed. The ertai player built up a big board and won with a Exquisite Blood Sanguine Bond infinite.

Things I noticed: Card draw was lacking. Once locust god was pathed, I was considerably slowed down. I really want to add Kindred Discovery, but, its just too pricy right now. I'm thinking about putting in a Stoneforge Mystic to tutor in either Skullclamp or Sunforger. Also, I think I have a copy of Idyllic Tutor, I just don't know what I did with it (rip lol). I still haven't drawn Rhystic Study in a game yet either, lol. If you want me to post my current deck list let me know.

I have only one copy of Fierce Guardianship and I really want to add it to Kykar, but, I kind of need it in the other deck as well.

I'm also considering Body of Knowledge and Hullbreacher from Legends since I have multiple copies of breacher.
I feel like hullbreacher is kind of mean, but, it definitely helps us slow others down, like conundrum. Plus the potential ramp is nice.

Snap, Soulfire, and Careful study all look fun though. I feel like soulfire's ability is a little pricy, but, can do work.

I love the conversations we have in here about Kykar, its definitely becoming my favorite deck and Jeskai is my favorite wedge.

Anyways, I cant wait to hear everyone's thoughts, I hope you all had a nice holiday.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

EBrock wrote:
3 years ago
All of the players are familiar with my kykar deck and the ertai player was keeping me in check the whole game. He would remove kykar and I had no protection out ( I'm thinking about adding some boots).
Ertai, the Corrupted eh? Cool in the sense that it's old school, but also... grossssss. As far as protection, if your meta is hating on Kykar a lot you could look at Release to the Wind, Lazotep Plating, Snap, Riptide Laboratory, Command Beacon, Eerie Interlude, etc., but I would only do that if the meta was really gunning for big bird and I was already running protection that helped the whole team a la Boros Charm and Flawless Maneuver.
Things I noticed: Card draw was lacking. Once locust god was pathed, I was considerably slowed down. I really want to add Kindred Discovery, but, its just too pricy right now. I'm thinking about putting in a Stoneforge Mystic to tutor in either Skullclamp or Sunforger.
In lieu of Kindred Discovery you could take a look at a host of other draw options that I've run in the past prior to KD: Reconnaissance Mission, Keep Watch, Dig Through Time, etc.

Stoneforge is one I've considered before, and for the same 2 reasons, but I think she wants to be in a deck with more than two targets tbh. Although, the more equips you add the more you trend toward a voltron or equipment goodstuff deck, which is fine - just be aware of it and perhaps shift your strategy.

That said, I think mystic for clamp, forger, Swiftfoot Boots/Lightning Greaves, and maybe a good sword or beatstick a la Blackblade Reforged or Runechanter's Pike is probably fine. I'd bias toward the equips that keep the cards flowing like clamp/forger or big mana plays like Sword of Feast and Famine with my first/only tutor with her though.

If you go deeper down an equipment route, consider running Trinket Mage as well since he can grab your Sol Ring, clamp, something like Expedition Map for Mystic Sanctuary/Buried Ruin or some such, and good stuff like Bloodforged Battle-Axe, Masterwork of Ingenuity, Shadowspear, Colossus Hammer, Basilisk Collar, etc.
If you want me to post my current deck list let me know.

No need to ever hesitate to post a list in this thread if you want to discuss it! If there's one thing I'm willing to do with my spare time, it's discuss magic cards and particularly the ones that synergize with big bird. The only thing I'd say in this regard is to put the list in a spoiler tag for the sake of anyone scrolling through the thread, but even if you forget it's not a big deal imo.
I have only one copy of Fierce Guardianship and I really want to add it to Kykar, but, I kind of need it in the other deck as well.
That's why I keep a singleton collection and keep everything in the same color sleeves :cool: It's more inconvenient the more decks you have since you have to prep before a game session, but it saves SO much money.
I'm also considering Body of Knowledge and Hullbreacher from Legends since I have multiple copies of breacher.
I feel like hullbreacher is kind of mean, but, it definitely helps us slow others down, like conundrum. Plus the potential ramp is nice.
Like with the equips, just be mindful of how many creatures you add and adjust your strategy accordingly. With my spellslinger build, each creature needs to REALLY pull weight to be worthwhile.

That said, Hullbreacher is pretty dumb, for sure. By all means give it a try if you want. I just think it's going to be an absolute lightning rod for removal and draw hate your way. You could go for a happy medium and run something like Alms Collector and/or Smothering Tithe. As for Body of Knowledge, I think Illusory Ambusher is a bit sweeter because of the surprise factor. I don't think you'll get much from Body since your opponents see it.
Snap, Soulfire, and Careful study all look fun though. I feel like soulfire's ability is a little pricy, but, can do work.

Glad you think so!

Soulfire Grand Master's activation is indeed pricy, but I think the secret sauce for it in Kykar is spirit mana. I think the default "value" activation is going to be sac two spirits to pay half of the cost, cast my Ponder or whatever with "buyback", then cast it again with no activation. With that play pattern I will have spent a gross of six mana to dig quite far in the library and shuffle away chaff multiple times if I want to, gotten two cast triggers for my various engines, and recouped two of my mana in the form of spirits. That's a good chunk of value for a net four mana, especially if the ponder is one of the last cards in my hand and I really need some CA. It ends up being like the world's best Glimmer of Genius I think, and that kind of solves a lot of the internal debate I was having about how many, if any, of the worse Fact or Fictions to run since this gal can turn any of my derpy cantrips into CA.

All of that is really the floor for Grand Master though. I think the ceiling is ridiculous shenanigans and/or some nasty locks. I also like anything that can recoup some value in response to a board wipe, and a couple activations plus a cheap instant or two seems like a fine place to sink a bunch of spirit mana.
I love the conversations we have in here about Kykar, its definitely becoming my favorite deck and Jeskai is my favorite wedge.

Anyways, I cant wait to hear everyone's thoughts, I hope you all had a nice holiday.
I'm up for a Kykar discussion anytime! I'm glad you're enjoying the deck. It's my favorite too :nerd:
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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
EBrock wrote:
3 years ago
Things I noticed: Card draw was lacking. Once locust god was pathed, I was considerably slowed down. I really want to add Kindred Discovery, but, its just too pricy right now. I'm thinking about putting in a Stoneforge Mystic to tutor in either Skullclamp or Sunforger.
In lieu of Kindred Discovery you could take a look at a host of other draw options that I've run in the past prior to KD: Reconnaissance Mission, Keep Watch, Dig Through Time, etc.

Stoneforge is one I've considered before, and for the same 2 reasons, but I think she wants to be in a deck with more than two targets tbh. Although, the more equips you add the more you trend toward a voltron or equipment goodstuff deck, which is fine - just be aware of it and perhaps shift your strategy.

That said, I think mystic for clamp, forger, Swiftfoot Boots/Lightning Greaves, and maybe a good sword or beatstick a la Blackblade Reforged or Runechanter's Pike is probably fine. I'd bias toward the equips that keep the cards flowing like clamp/forger or big mana plays like Sword of Feast and Famine with my first/only tutor with her though.
To be honest, I wouldn't bother with Stoneforge for those Equipment. At least, not as a first choice. The deck doesn't generally care about creatures so the body is somewhat irrelevant and the mana you save on cheating in the equipment isn't much either.

Since the main draw of Mystic is the tutor, I would lean towards Open the Armory and Steelshaper's Gift. Not only do they trigger Kykar, even if you don't have any equipment to search for, they also work well with Snapcaster Mage, Mission Briefing, Past in Flames, Mystic Sanctuary, etc.

I think Mystic as a reasonable third option is fine; but I wouldn't put it above these other two. Not in this deck anyway.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

That is a good point, especially since kykar is going to hook you up with spirit mana for castin colorless spells, so mystic loses a bit of its edge unless your looking at some expensive gear. Whir of Invention might be the droid you're looking for, or Fabricate to avoid triple u.
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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

Agreed. If the idea is mainly equipment, I would probably put Fabricate at number 3 above Mystic since it effectively does the same as the others just for more mana.

If the deck has more useful artifacts that make sense to tutor out though, Fabricate could be a good "all in one" sort of tutor that can get a number of different options and might make sense before Open the Armory. I still might put Gift above it though just based on cost.

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Post by toctheyounger » 3 years ago

Possibility Storm is potentially a neat and janky way to grab your equipment for free from time to time. It's less controlled than a standard tutor or Whir of Invention (which I was going to suggest before Meow's response), but it also disrupts your opponents and gives you 2 cast triggers per spell you cast, so you get twice the birbs per resolved spell.

It's a pet card of mine. Ideally you know your list well enough to know how to game around it and cast cheap stuff to resolve expensive stuff. It's probably a bit of a build around, as it'll knock your combat and permission spells off kilter, but it also does the same for your opponents, so it could be fun.
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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

How am I just now realizing that Possibility Storm gives two CAST triggers? That could be pretty hecking fun and powerful...

Well, I guess this means I have to do a nonsense.dec kykar alt deck eventually with PS, Knowledge Pool, Infinite Reflection, Eye of the Storm, Mindmoil, and other failed glorious science experiments.

Dear @tstorm823,

How you do teh Jeskai derp durdle? Askin 4 a fren.
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Post by toctheyounger » 3 years ago

MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
How am I just now realizing that Possibility Storm gives two CAST triggers? That could be pretty hecking fun and powerful...

Well, I guess this means I have to do a nonsense.dec kykar alt deck eventually with PS, Knowledge Pool, Infinite Reflection, Eye of the Storm, Mindmoil, and other failed glorious science experiments.

Dear @tstorm823,

How you do teh Jeskai derp durdle? Askin 4 a fren.
I guess the nice thing about it here is that you still have the possibility of bypassing the storm with Underworld Breach too. If there's something you just need to resolve instead of cause chaos get it into your 'yard....somehow.
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Post by gsgfdf » 3 years ago

Another possible tutor for your equipment is Tezzeret the Seeker. My Kykar deck has a planeswalker subtheme and Tez mostly serves the same function as Fabricate. I currently have Skullclamp, Sunforger, Soul-Guide Lantern and Bident of Thassa as silver bullets, plus all the usual mana rocks if I need them.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

toctheyounger wrote:
3 years ago
MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
How am I just now realizing that Possibility Storm gives two CAST triggers? That could be pretty hecking fun and powerful...

Well, I guess this means I have to do a nonsense.dec kykar alt deck eventually with PS, Knowledge Pool, Infinite Reflection, Eye of the Storm, Mindmoil, and other failed glorious science experiments.

Dear @tstorm823,

How you do teh Jeskai derp durdle? Askin 4 a fren.
I guess the nice thing about it here is that you still have the possibility of bypassing the storm with Underworld Breach too. If there's something you just need to resolve instead of cause chaos get it into your 'yard....somehow.
Get lucky, resolve breach off a chaos flip, then get lucky again and hit a loot effect off a chaos flip. Works every time.

@gsgfdf just peeked at your list. How's Elspeth, Sun's Champion for you?
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Post by EBrock » 3 years ago

Found my Idyllic Tutor ! I'm going to add Reconnaissance Mission as well. Here's my deck before adding. Let me know what you think! I think the first card to go is Fiery Emancipation. I think it might be a tad expensive.

Anyways here's the list:

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Post by tstorm823 » 3 years ago

MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
Dear @tstorm823,

How you do teh Jeskai derp durdle? Askin 4 a fren.
Step one: like bad cards.
Step two...
Step three: profit.
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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

tstorm823 wrote:
3 years ago
MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
Dear @tstorm823,

How you do teh Jeskai derp durdle? Askin 4 a fren.
Step one: like bad cards.
Step two...
Step three: profit.
I love it, but can I simplify it and just not profit? :crazy:

@EBrock it's bed for me, but I'll look it over and give my two cents tomorrow.
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Post by WizardMN » 3 years ago

A quick look at your list and these stand out:

Body of Knowledge - I almost prefer Illusory Ambusher instead and I don't like the Ambusher :) I think that for a 5 drop, it needs to do far more than "maybe" draw cards *if* it is damaged. It is sort of easy to play around, depending on how many cards you have in hand anyway, and I think there are better options. I tend to like X spells like Pull from Tomorrow in this deck because of the Spirits/Mana from Kykar.

Impact Tremors - Why not just Purphoros?

Fiery Emancipation - Probably more expensive than it is worth. I find Kykar to be a bit better if you keep the curve a little lower and a 6 drop enchantment that may or may not do a lot isn't really where you want to be. And, not that it matters a lot, it does make your Talismans deal 3 damage to you :)

Sevinne's Reclamation - I would like to hear how this works for you. I saw it do a lot against me one game and I have thought about it in other decks. It might be a little tough in my build since I have relatively few things it can get back but I would still like to know how it works out for you.

Hour of Reckoning - ...Ugh. Well, that might not be too fair. What I mean is....ugh...

In all seriousness, this card is one that seems to make a ton of sense in this deck but I found it to be terrible. A high cost means if you are really behind (with not a lot of tokens) it is almost too difficult to pull off. And it doesn't deal with opposing token swarms. And it kills Kykar.

I would much rather just either wrath the entire board or use something like Time Wipe to bounce Kykar, or another token producer, first. And if you have tokens with Kykar, you can possibly sac them to float mana first and then replay something the same turn.

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Post by EBrock » 3 years ago

yeah I have to get my hands on a Purphoros, God of the Forge. For now, I gotta use tremors lol. yeah im probably going to take outBody of Knowledge and Fiery Emancipation. I like Sevinne's Reclamation it can pull wincons like Goblin Bombardment and Impact Tremors out of the graveyard,
I like your thinking with Time Wipe I was running it before, I might slot it back in.

I got a lot of my deck ideas of Meow! lol
Thanks for the advice, though

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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

@EBrock you're list is definitely similar to mine, and I agree with some of what @WizardMN said about it.

I definitely think you have better draw options than body of knowledge, and being in blue means you can easily get that draw from a noncreature source.

Fiery Emancipation is a wee bit expensive imo. If you're into a similar effect then Cavalcade of Calamity can do some stuff, but it will be underwhelming compared to what you could be doing.

Don't listen to wizard, Hour of Reckoning is glorious :p kidding aside, I'd say it's meta dependent and on mtgo it might not get there often enough, so I get where he's coming from. I'd try testing with and without and see if you love it or miss it/don't miss it.

Time Wipe is good, but I'd go for Tragic Arrogance first. Even Flood of Tears might be better, but already running rift and austere means you're in a good place.

Sevinne's Reclamation is a hidden ramp spell that buys back your amazing enchantments like breach and ascendancy, or your clamp/forger. Card's good.

I love that you're running Deflecting Palm.

I like something like Mind Stone or maybe even the etbt 2 mana rocks like Sky Diamond over Chromatic Lantern for the sake of T3 Kykar, until you can pick up fellwar stone and Talisman of Progress.

You can probably go down a couple of lands. I run 34 plus Silundi Vision // Silundi Isle, though admittedly land tax and gift of estates help. The Birth of Meletis is an acceptable, albeit worse, sub for either on a budget. The curve is low and the deck has so much velocity that it's actually difficult to miss land drops.
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Post by gsgfdf » 3 years ago

MeowZeDung wrote:
3 years ago
@gsgfdf just peeked at your list. How's Elspeth, Sun's Champion for you?
I like her as a sweeper that leaves Kykar behind. If the board is clear the three 1/1 are decent blockers and 5 loyalty is a lot to deal with through combat. Nothing spectacular though.

Since I haven't played any games since early March, my current list is mostly a thought experiment. My early plan was using tokens alongside anthems as a win condition. Since then I moved on the Burning Inquiry + Underworld Breach + Impact Tremors/Purphoros, God of the Forge plan I got from this very thread. The anthem plan was clunky and slow, I felt like I never had enough mana to both advance my board and protect it at the same time.

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Post by MeowZeDung » 3 years ago

I keep going back and forth on Elspeth. I think she's either great or super mediocre and i can't decide.

I think a kykar anthem deck wants to pretty much be all in on kykar for most of its tokens, then run all good efficient anthems and a fat pile of control/interaction. I'll have to puzzle it out someday.
Kykar primer and other active decks (click!)

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